Chapter 3 - Keycard

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You went back out to face the crowd. Everyone was dancing, partying, doing their own thing.

After all your research on the avengers, you already knew who to target.

Bruce Banner. The poor guy is very awkward, he will never see it coming. He is smart though, just not in a social way.

Higher up on the secondish floor, you leaned against the small glass fence and watched everyone go on with their partying. You only had one objective, spot bruce banner.

After a few seconds of staring deeply into the crowd and eyeing everyone, you spotted him. He was at a bar drinking with someone who looked like captain America.

You smoothly lifted your fingers off the railing and turned your body so you can walk down the stairs then towards him.

But your distracted self once again bumped into somebody.

Hawkeye. He looked pretty old, yet charming. He was walking with his wife beside him with a drink in his left hand.

After that small collision, he quickly rubbed his eyes then apologised. His wife checked on you making sure you were alright, but you simply smiled and brushed her off whilst accepting his apologies.

After that he held his head, but the expression on his face changed. "Clint are you alright?" His wife asked, holding his shoulder, concerned. "I double checked everybody on the guest lists and their profiles but I barely remember seeing you."

Shit, shit, shit. As nervous as it made you, you were ready.

"Whatever do you mean?" You laughed flirtatiously. Closing your eyes and fixing your voice you continued, "My name is Emma. Does it not ring any bells?" You asked with an innocent smile. "No, it does. I'm well aware of Emma but you look nothing like her."

Your brain was a scattered mess, trying to search for a way to answer this. You hadn't thought this one through.

Clint was still staring at you, almost threateningly. As if he knew something was wrong but couldn't get to the bottom of it. His wife was still there, her hands were linked together not knowing what to do. But when you looked at her face, you thought she was beautiful. That struck an idea in your head.

"Plastic surgery."
You quickly snapped out. "But it doesn't say that-" Clint tried replying but you cut him off again.

"Are you shaming me for having a plastic surgery? Can a woman not live her life freely? Years of insecurity fixed within ten hours and you have the audacity to pick on it? I was bullied most of my life for my face which caused me to get this done. Don't you think I feel guilty enough? You are a horrible, horrible man for insulting me. Now excuse me, I'm going to go have a drink. A drink to forget your horrible shaming words and to feel better about myself. I hope you're proud that you just destroyed the confidence and self esteem of an innocent woman."

You had your arms crossed the entire time, with looks of anger on your face. You kept a passive-aggressive tone. His wife looked very guilty and was robbed of words, she kept looking towards the ground. Whilst Clint kept trying to cut you off to reassure you, but whenever he lifted his arm you'd slap it away from you. Clint kept denying it, so with each denial you would make your tone louder so he would feel more exposed and humiliated. This technique had seemed to work, because the moment you left he was red and kept his head onto the ground, embarrassed. Plus, you got away with it. Never thought a skilled, master assassin would be so easy to gaslight.

You continued strutting down towards the stairs, not daring to look back at Clint and his wife. Before Clint could chase you and try to talk to you again, you disappeared into the crowd of people.

You made your way towards the bar, where you walked with pride and confidence, discreetly shoving some people. Bruce was sitting on a stool facing Steve.

You leaned on the counter just a metre away from him and ordered a drink. As you were waiting, you saw him turn his head towards you. You looked at him at the same time and winked. You saw the blush crawling on his face. Socially awkward, confirmed. Steve walked away by this point leaving the two of you's together at the bar. You smiled at the Bartender as you clutched your drink. You took two confident steps towards him and invited yourself to the seat next to his. You placed your drink on the counter as you stared at him flirtatiously.

"So, you must be Bruce. Am I correct?" You asked, still eyeing him. "Uhh.. Yes, I- You're correct." He said, stuttering with every word. You giggled at this. "So you're the strongest Avenger then?" You didn't actually believe that, you just said that to make him more blind to your plans. His eyes shot up, he was shocked. Why?

"Ahaha, yes. Strongest Avenger." He let out proudly. You nodded with a wide smile on your face. "But whatever you do, don't say that around Thor." He quickly reassured you. You just laughed. You could tell he was getting more comfortable.

It was time to get your plan into action. You stood up from your stool, grabbing your drink from the counter with your right arm. You turned your back to him before saying,

"I'm heading to the dance floor now. Would you do the pleasure of coming with me?" You asked, you swiftly turned your head at the last part, letting him see your mischievous smile. He hesitantly agreed and stood up.

He walked behind you as you made your way to the dance floor. You found both of you's a good spot to party, but obviously you had other plans in mind.

You's were standing on the lit up floor, with rainbow lights flashing everywhere and loud music running through the entire floor. He was awkwardly standing right in front of you. You could tell he was getting nervous because of all the people crowding, you had to do something before he backs away.

You quickly held his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "Hey, don't worry about them. Focus on me." You let out boldly, he nodded. "Now hold my drink for me, will you?" You chuckled. As your arm held the drink out to him, you turned it discreetly so it spilled onto him. His shirt was now covered in alcohol.

He jumped up, yelling some profanities. You acted shocked and sorry, as if you had intended for it. You tried rubbing the alcohol off with your hands. Using this to dig into his pocket and pick out his keycard. You were know holding the key to every room in this tower. The first and hard part was now complete.

But you couldn't worry about that now. You still had a big mess in front of you. Spilling it on Bruce may have been a mistake, because he started turning green. He was nervous and you played with that, and now it's not going to end well on your behalf.

You quickly ran out of the dance floor. You saw the avengers huddling in trying to calm Bruce down. Ah shit, you were the cause to his panicking. Now if he explains his part of the story you would get caught. Not good.

You discreetly took some steps backwards, out of the party floor. You were alone and could begin your mission. With this keycard, you could go and do whatever you please. It's just a matter of doing it quickly before you get caught.

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