04. decommissioned

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Only a short time has passed for Mara and the Batch

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Only a short time has passed for Mara and the Batch. They continued to do a few select jobs for Cid, stocking up on as much credits as they could and also paying for the things they needed, which included a copious amount of Mantell Mix that Mara was fairly certain they didn't need. However, Wrecker always insisted for the sake of Omega and tradition. If you asked Mara, though, she believed it was an old habit from something he used to do with Crosshair after every mission but now, he couldn't so he did it with Omega instead. She understood though. Her and Wolffe had plenty of after battle traditions, including copious amounts of alcohol at 79's once they returned to Coruscant and Mara was able to sneak away from the Jedi Temple. Something her master was fully aware of but certainly wouldn't dream of being the one to stop her.

Most of the time, Mara would spend her days now sitting next to Tech as he played the many games that Cid's parlor had to offer or the two would play holochess, which Tech usually winning the latter. He even found himself at one point trying to teach Mara how to play holo-chess, yet certainly not holding back and winning every time. However, now, they were on the outskirts of the town at a small set up that Tech had created for Mara to practice her aim with a blaster.

"Are you certain you're aiming?" Tech asked, looking up from the device he was tinkering with to see she had missed yet another shot.

"I'm trained for melee combat, Tech," Mara grumbled. "The Jedi don't exactly teach us Padawan's to use blasters. Many of them consider them to be uncivilized anyways," She shrugged.

Tech was sat on the ramp of the Marauder that was parked near the unorthodox shooting range he had built. It was nothing more that some rocks with various unusable parts as targets, mostly things he had scrapped from battle droids on the battlefield. He had a small device in his hands that he was working on, he wasn't sure what he planned to do with it but he hoped his idea would be fruitful. After all, it would solve Mara's issues with aim. "Perhaps we should rethink having you use a blaster. I do still have your lightsabers," Tech offered, going to reach into the supply box he carried on his back. He couldn't bring himself to scrap them or use them for parts like she suggested. He knew enough to know how connected the Jedi were to their lightsabers and that she had practically handed him her life when she gave them to him. So, instead, he kept them on him at all times incase the time arose that she would need them.

"No," Mara was quick to snap, almost glaring at him through her peripherals. "It's over. The Jedi are gone and with the height of the bounty's on our heads, I'm surprised even Cid hasn't tried to cash in on it."

"Then we'll have to think of something else for you," Tech shrugged, looking as Mara raised the blaster again, trying to aim again. He sighed, standing up and walking up behind her to correct her aim. "Aim with your dominant side, Mara. You can't possibly hope to hit the target when aiming with both eyes. It's far more accurate than you'd think," Tech explained, carefully reaching out, hesitating before putting his gloved hand over hers to correct the aim.

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