01. mending

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Mara hissed in pain as she wrapped the blue fabric around the cauterized wound on her side

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Mara hissed in pain as she wrapped the blue fabric around the cauterized wound on her side.

"Kriff," She mumbled, tying the fabric that was once attached to her armor around her waist. She bit down on the part of her tunic she was holding up by her teeth as the fabric rubbed against the burnt flesh. Mara knew the wound was far from properly taken care of and had wished the stolen ship had any bit of bacta on it. Or any form of a med kit for that matter. She supposed that and the lack of fuel was a direct punishment from the universe for stealing the ship in the first place. Though, Mara felt a simple stolen ship was justified in the long run given what she had been running from.

To Mara, it felt like it had been countless rotations since the 104th had chased her through the streets of Vaethea with the intent of doing more damage than a cauterized wound on her lower torso and a graze on her left bicep. Though in reality, it had only been a short few days and half of those had been in the wreckage of the ship she crashed, which was the cause of the cut on her forehead and bruising all over her body. Mara leaned back against the wall of the small ship, holding back the wince at the stretch of her sore torso as she did so, trying not to close her eyes. She feared that if she had closed her eyes, all she would see would be the sight of the 104th pushing past the Vaethean citizens to get to her with Commander Wolffe's voice shouting their orders to kill her. It was the same reason Mara hadn't slept since she had stolen the ship and she was certain that if she saw her reflection, she would she bags starting to develop under her eyes.

In the moment, though, her thoughts travels from the horrors she had went though to wondering if she was alone in this scenario.

She knew other Jedi had suffered a tragic fate at the hands of their clones, she had felt it right before the first blaster bolt fired grazed her bicep. She only wondered how many others had survived and were now in a similar situation as Mara, barely hanging on while she prayed the transmission on the ship had been enough to send her message. Mostly, she hoped that her Master had made it out alive but she knew that was likely wishful thinking due to how weak she was quickly becoming.

Her gaze had traveled to the small pile of her items which was the plastoid chest plate, shoulder pads and arm gauntlets she once wore over the black tunic. Mara had worn the simple Padawan robes up until the war when she decided she needed something far more practical. It was simple plastoid like the clones armor that had been better fitted to her and painted to match the 104th's armor. The blue fabric that was currently wrapped around her burnt flesh was once the fabric of her padawan robes that had been attached to back side of her chest plate after gaining the armor. Now, as Mara looked over at the armor, she saw the gray paint was chipping and the burnt portion at the edge of the armor where the wound on her lower torso was. Next to the armor laid her lightsabers, which is what had really captured Mara's attention.

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