10. war-mantle

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*hiiiii. my notes here again. this chapter is shorter than i originally planned cause i changed course like half way through for plot purposes. this was again a chapter i didn't expect to have so much tech and mara stuff in lol. it will be very clear when i started listening to daylight by taylor swift while writing. the gif below doesn't really apply to the chapter but i just wanted to use a gif of mara again lol. it doesn't have her correct facial markings but it is what it is. anyways, hope you enjoy and thank you so much!*

The cockpit with quiet outside of the sounds of hyperspace zipping past them and Tech's tools

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The cockpit with quiet outside of the sounds of hyperspace zipping past them and Tech's tools.

Hunter and Omega sat in the main hull, Omega working in Gonky while Hunter watched, tossing his knife up and down. Echo and Wrecker sat at the two control panels behind Tech and Mara's pilot seats. Mara watched the blue streaks pass by the front of the Marauder, trying not to fall asleep to the sound of whatever it was Tech was working on next to her. The quiet humming of whatever he was tinkering with mixed with the sounds of hyperspace were oddly relaxing.

Through the corner of her eye, Mara glanced over at Tech, seeing his brows pulled together as he focused.

He had one of her sabers in his hands, a tool in the other while he poked and prodded at the bottom end of it. Mara had been confused when he requested them, insisting he had thought of some to aid her in combat with them. She didn't ask what it was though, simply glancing over as he carefully worked on them. He didn't know much about the inner working of a Jedi lightsaber outside of the few things Mara had told him about the weapon and the Order itself. If any other Jedi could see her now, handing her lifeline over to someone else and letting them tinker around with it, she'd be reprimanded for sure and her poor master would have to remind her of the importance of her sabers. But, this was Tech. She didn't mind leaving her lifeline in his hands.

The sound of a transmission coming in, beeping on the control panel made Tech set the saber down and Mara to sit up.

"We're being hailed. It's... Rex," Echo said from behind Tech and Mara.

Hunter sheathed the knife he had been twisting and around and made his way into the cockpit with Omega behind him. The fuzzy blue hologram of Rex pulled up, him being mostly concealed by the large brown cloak he had worn when he found the Batch. "Hello, boys. Sorry to cut right to it, but I could use your help," Rex' voice came through the choppy speakers.

"What do you need, Captain?" Hunter asked.

"I received a distress signal from a clone trooper, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him," Rex explained, cautiously looking around him as he spoke.

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