15. faster

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hiii. this is an overdue chapter. i do apologize for that. it's been a really weird few weeks with scheduling and just so much happening at once that wasn't entirely planned so i had little time to sit and write. i mark all my stories with either "slow updates" or "sporadic updates" in case of this. also, i didn't focus too much on the scenes with tech actually racing and more so summed it up in favor of a flashback scene i wrote lol. anyways! enjoy :).

Missions came and went as the rotations passed, games of holochess done as Tech healed from his injury while being carefully monitored by Mara

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Missions came and went as the rotations passed, games of holochess done as Tech healed from his injury while being carefully monitored by Mara. She knew the entire Batch was stubborn, it came with the territory of not only being 'defective' against the 'perfectly bred soldier' but also simply being a group of men. Mara didn't realize just how stubborn Tech could be until this injury. He had a vast knowledge of injuries and the medical treatments that came with them, yet was actively disregarding that an injury to the femur required rest, and lots of it, even with the galaxies many advanced medicinal techniques. His determination to continue normally had become the main focus of Mara, trying to keep him from such. Tech had given up after a few short rotations, especially after trying to sneak out of the Marauder's barracks only to see Mara standing there with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

On the two missions that Tech had missed due to his injury, Mara had been the one to take over what was usually Tech's job. Flying the Marauder, scanning for threats and more. She gained a new respect for how fast his brain could operate and how that datapad of his was organized.

Once he was back in working order, missions went a lot smoother for them all.

Yet, now, Tech sat at the bar slouched over with his datapad while Mara was on the opposite side, fixing up herself a drink. Behind Tech, Omega had begun a match of holochess with Wrecker, and from where Mara was watching, Wrecker wasn't doing so good. A position Mara was all too familiar with considering her partner in both life and holochess was one of the smartest men in the galaxy. Tech had let her win once feigning that she had simply caught him on an off day. "You don't have 'off days', love," Mara had rose one eyebrow, her expression clearly not amused.

"Now you owe me two cartons of Mantell Mix," Omega grinned, looking over at Wrecker, who groaned, challenging her to one more game.

"Hey! Quit running up the power bill," Cid snapped as she exited her office. "You better be paying for that, Grumpy," She gave a quick glare to Mara as the former Jedi popped the lid back on the glass of alcohol.

"Sure," Mara shrugged, taking a sip from her own drink.

"I don't think yo-" Tech started, but the look on Mara's face made him stop. Clearly, she didn't intend to pay for the alcohol she used. "Right," Tech turned back to his datapad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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