02. cornered

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Mara stood just outside the cockpit, leaning up against one of the walls of the main hull as she watched the Batch walk around the Havoc Marauder

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Mara stood just outside the cockpit, leaning up against one of the walls of the main hull as she watched the Batch walk around the Havoc Marauder. Tech remained in the cockpit for the moment, likely helping Echo make sure the ship was finally in some working order after being thrown from hyperspace only a short time ago, which had rudely awoken Mara from the sleep he had suggested she got. Mara had stumbled to make her way to cockpit through the turbulence of the ship crashing and spent the rest of the time watching the holographic screen of the control panel with her feet propped up on the dash as she would occasionally update Tech on the diagnostic report as he worked in the cockpit to fox a few of the things Echo said he had been neglecting.

It was boring job and one Tech definitely could have done on his own, Mara knew that. Tech simply knew she needed something to take her mind off the horrors she had seen only a handful of days ago. She had always hated just staring at the holomaps and planning their attack during the war and just wanted to be on the front lines with Wolffe. Plo Koon never doubted that his two commanders could have taken a whole battalion of droids down on their own without a plan, but he always made sure they had one to put his own mind at ease. Mara had always hated times on Coruscant during the war when she was just supposed to sit around and wait for something to happen. Often times, she'd accompany her men to 79's just to be out of the Temple and doing something, anything.

Mara knew the next step for the Batch was to find somewhere to lay low and Mara hated the idea of it but what choice did she have? She was certain the only ally she had in the galaxy right now was the Bad Batch. She had no way of knowing where Wolffe and their pack was, despite asking Tech if there was anything he could do to find him. Realistically, she knew there wasn't. She did appreciate Tech's promise to look for her though, even if it was just to put her mind at ease for even a moment. Any attempts to find another surviving Jedi like herself would end in an unnecessary risk for the both of them and she didn't know if any other clones got the luxury of defective chips like the Batch had gotten.

Now, Mara watched as Hunter looked over the holomap, trying to find a suitable, and preferably inhabited, planet for them to hide away on. Wrecker leaned against the back of Omega's seat, resting his head the top of it as he did so.

Tech entered just as Hunter announced Idaflor was the best planet for them to travel to, much to Wrecker and Omega's vocal dismay and Mara silent dismay. "But Idaflor's not even inhabited," Wrecker complained, looking at Hunter in frustration.

"Which makes it the perfect place to hide out," Hunter pointed out.

"Hide? But I've been stuck on Kamino my whole life," Omega sighed. "Can't we explore?" She asked, bright and hopeful eyes looking up at the holomap hoping Hunter would change his mind. Mara understood. She had been raised on the planet and the first time Plo Koon had taken her off planet, she never wanted to go back.

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