05. battle scars

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The quiet chirps of the reptile in her hands as she slowly eased the creature into the crate almost made a smile twitch onto Mara's face

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The quiet chirps of the reptile in her hands as she slowly eased the creature into the crate almost made a smile twitch onto Mara's face. The Batch was finally back on Ord Mantell and back in Cid's Parlor. Mara, having carried the reptilian creature back to the parlor in her hands, was now slowly easing the sleeping reptile into the transport crate it was originally in. A retrieval mission all for the sake of a small reptilian creature that clearly only seemed to enjoy the company of Omega or Mara. Maybe it was sensing Omega's kind nature or the way Mara was no strange to reptilian creatures thanks to her home planet. Or maybe it was the thankful nature of the creature who had climbed on Wrecker out of fear, only to frighten the clone and cause Mara to have to step in. While smaller than Varactyl's, the lizard certainly let Mara think of Vaethea in a positive light for a moment.

"She really likes you!" Omega interrupted Mara's thoughts, watching as the reptile adjusted in its sleep before she looked back up at Mara.

"We had reptiles like her on my home planet," Mara bluntly commented, grabbing a towel from the other side of the bar to wipe her hands. The reptilian stench would remain for a while though. "Granted most of them were larger than that," she shrugged.

"Really?" Omega asked, excitement in her eyes as she asked. She had tried a few times to get to know Mara but each time, it was getting harder and harder to hold a conversation. "Don't take it personally, kid. She really can only tolerate Tech," Hunter had told Omega. Omega saw that as a challenge more than a warning.

"The Varactyl's," Tech spoke up as he walked up behind Mara. "Their evolution from the harsh climates of Utapau to the far easier climates of Vaethea is fascinating. They became a staple for agricultural advancements on Vaethea and a symbol of bravery and royalty. Not to mention their evolution letting certain breeds vary in sizes for the aid of the Vaethea people, some as small as Ruby here. They are truly a remarkable species."

"I didn't spend much time on Vaethea." Mara shrugged, the normal bitter tone in her rough voice was a little harsher at the mention of her home planet. "But the Vaethean's like to joke we have a special bond with the species. Some of them think we're closer to Varactyl's than we are people nowadays." It was false statement that Vaethean people made up. To justify making the species a symbol of royalty among them. Truly, they weren't anything special without the creatures. It simply made them feel a little more proud to be associated with such strong and regal looking creature.

"I would not say that," Tech shook his head. "However the Varactyl's are an exceptionally species, as are the Vaethean's." Mara rose an eyebrow at that comment, almost wanting to tease him for it before Omega spoke up.

"Wow!" Omega looked back in at the reptile they had smuggled. By now, Ruby had woken up, looking at Omega with a wary look through the openings in the crate, a quiet nervous growl building up in its throat. "We should visit your home planet some time, Mara!"

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