Chapter 3

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"Hey you alright?" I greet him as he joins me in the estate hallway, after school. He always wears a ski mask. Might get him mixed up with some other fool one day.

I unlock my door and we walk in. My cat runs to him, recognising him from last night.

He takes off his mask and I notice all the bruises on his face. A cut too. Instinctually I
approach him and my hand touches his face, and brushes over the marks. He looks down at me softly. His eyes are sad and he hisses through his teeth when I reach a cut.

"What happened?" I ask and he looks away. Taking his shoes and jacket off and paying me no attention.

We walk to my room and I turn the tv on in there. But I can't stop looking at his face, it's so fucked up.

"Are you hungry?" I ask and he nods and looks at me as I sit in front of him.

"You want tea as well?" I ask.

"Yes please." He says, even his voice sounds sore.

I bring him the food and the tea. Is this from all that gang shit or is it at home?

"Do you wanna stay here tonight?" I offer and he looks shocked.

"Is that alright?" He asks and I nod. I feel so sad for him. I mean, I know all these young guys don't fuck up for no reason. I know they've got troubles and sadness, but It didn't cross my mind that this happens to him.

I start to braid his hair as we watch tv and he eats.


We're lying in my bed now, watching tv in my room. I've wrapped a durag around his head to keep the braids tidy.

I look over at his face again and he catches me this time. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"You know why." I say bluntly.

He looks back at the tv. I sit up and face him.

"Who did that to you?" I ask but he doesn't answer. "Who?"

"Don't worry about it Rafa." He states.

"Well of course I'm gonna worry."


"Cuz...I kinda care about you now. And when you turn up with your face all fucked up like that, I wanna know who done such a thing to you."

He looks at me for a moment skeptically.

"My dad." He admits.

"He did this to you?" I ask, holding his face. He nods in reply and looks into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

He shrugs it off.

"Well, you can stay here anytime you need." I offer and he smiles.

"Don't say that. I'll move in if you're not careful." He says jokingly. But our eyes meet again and he stops smiling.

"Thanks." He whispers. I feel myself gravitating towards him but he's impatient. He pulls me in with his arm and kisses me.

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