Chapter 6

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He's not back yet and I'm getting anxious. My mum arrived home an hour ago and we got Chinese takeaway. But I couldn't eat anything. Not until he's here and safe, and I know he's okay.

My phone rings suddenly and I check to see if it's him. It's not. It's a no caller ID. I answer.

"Hello, this is the metropolitan police, is this Imani Rafaella Campbell?" They ask.

"Yes..." I answer skeptically.

"We just wanted to ask you a few questions regarding the death of Rashad Hakeem, is that alright?"

"Yeah..." I answer.

"Now you're close with Rashad's son Jamal, aren't you?"


"And do you know where he was at the time of his father's death?"

"With me."

"So you're his alibi?"

"Alibi? Is he a suspect?" I ask angrily.

"Everybody involved in Mr Hakeem's life is suspect at this time."

"Well he shouldn't be. He was with me, then he goes home to find his dad dead. The only other person in the flat with his dad was his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" They ask. How the fuck could they not know.

"Yes. Chloe. I don't know her last name. She was the only person with him that night. Jamal was with me and he was shattered by what he found. He's the one that called the ambulance."

"Right. We may call you at some point later in the week. If you have any insight to offer us on Chloe please call this number."

I hang up quickly. Furiously. How could they suspect him?

There's a knock on the door and my mum answers it with the chain. I'm praying to God that it's anyone but Tay. Anyone but Steve.

She opens it and in comes Jamal. Soaking wet. "It's raining so much." He says, breathing heavily.

"You alright?" I ask him "what happened?"

He doesn't answer my question. My mum goes to her room and shuts the door. I think she's more stressed out than me about Steve finding us. She's dissociative and neglectful all over again.

"Jamal?? What happened?" I ask again and he looks at me and sighs.

"I found that man you was talking about..." he says, we go to my room and I shut the door, I don't want my mum to hear anything "he a kingpin up north int he?" He asks.

I nod my head in reply and look at him concerned.

"He died...week or so ago, apparently, wells according to one of my guys up there, he was searching for an ex and her daughter," he says watching my face attentively "whole time he was on drugs, lost count of the pills, smokes and lines, overdosed."

I sigh with relief.

"Are you certain?" I ask and he nods.

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