Chapter 5

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I wake up beside her. I like this feeling. I never thought I'd have someone like her. After my mum left I never thought I'd experience caring this much about someone again but here she is and I'm dumbfounded.

I get up and get changed. It's a Saturday and I've got shit to get up to. I kiss her on the forehead, say bye to Pluto and leave swiftly and quietly.

I walk across to mine to collect the drugs and message back all the customers who been texting me like mad asking for shit by today.

When I open the door my dad ain't standing there. He usually is, usually fucking furious as well.

I walk around but he's nowhere. I peep through his opened bedroom door and his gyal lies in the bed but he ain't there.

"Dad?" I call out and there's no answer. I walk into my room, put the shit in a duffel bag.

I'm about to leave but something just don't feel right.

"Dad?" I call out again but there's no fucking answer. He would've stormed out of somewhere by now and beat me up for disturbing his time wit Chloe but it's silent. It's eerie and silent.

I walk into the bathroom.

I drop the bag to the floor in shock.

He's overdosed. Lying in the bath with pills and coke and fucking ketamine spread around him. I turn around, can't bare to look at it.

"," I whisper, glancing at him one last time "why'd you do this to yourself?"


I left the flat and put the drugs in my car before calling the ambulance and waiting outside for them.

They told me since I'm 18 the place is mine. And if I need any mental health aid they'll get me some. Bullshit. I'd rather just spend time wiv my Rafa. She makes everything better. I'm so comfortable wit her I'll probably tell her all my traumas at some point anyway, shit.

I deliver all the drugs, collect all my money.

I approach one house and put the shit through the door, they paid me last night over PayPal, but there's a sign on it. "Selling kittens, knock on door for more info."

Maybe Rafa would want a new kitten.

I knock on the door. And knock again and again.

A white girl opens, I think this is a uni house because the smell of weed and sex hits me like a truck.

"It's 7am. What do you want?" She asks still half asleep.

"Like to buy a kitten." I say and she invites me in.

"They're ragamuffins." She states and hands me one. Why does that breed name kinda remind me of my girl?

"I'll take one."

"Alright." She states. I pay her and leave with a little cream and grey coloured, blue eyed kitten.

I drive back to the estate. "Fucked up how easily she gave you to me int it?" I ask the cat quietly "oh well...lucky you, you're gonna end up wiv Rafa."

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