Chapter 4

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Mum walks in my room at four. She does it every morning to say bye but this time she comes in holding a bundle of flowers. White roses.

"These are for you I think." She says handing the flowers to me as I sit up in bed, she hands me a letter too, labelled 'Rafa'. Only he calls me that.

"Are these from that fella?" She asks and I shrug with a smile. She smiles back before kissing me on the forehead and leaving for work.

I open the letter when she's gone.

I been up all night thinkin about what to do to make it better.

Explains why this was outside the door so early.

I'm sorry about what I done but I'll prove it to you. My feelings aren't worthless like me. You're special. You've gotta teach me how to do this, that's all. I'm a fast learner. Lord knows I'll do just about anything for u.

He's funny with words. Not eloquent but sometimes he can be poetic as. I smile and fold up the letter, placing it softly in the drawer of my bedside table.

I put the flowers in a vase and on my window sill and get ready for school. Rain is falling hard on my window. Why's it always raining.


I walk out the front door for school. Jamal is standing there. Leaning on the fence and looking down at the park happenings. The school run.

He turns around when he hears me shut the door.

"What you doing here?" I ask and he doesn't answer.

"Did you get those flowers?" He asks, taking my hood down to see my face "I was afraid someone mighta took them. You know what these people are like."

I smile at him. "I got them. And the letter."

He nods. "I ain't never seen you up this early." I state.

"Wanted to catch you before you went to school."

"To say sorry again?"

"Nah nah. Just wanted to see if you wanted to spend the day wiv me, bunk off for once, get away from all this bullshit." He says and looks around.

I know I shouldn't but I really want to. Just a day. Schools been eating me alive and I could do with something like this.

"What did you have in mind?" I ask and he smiles. His smile is so comforting and I can't help but smile back with a tilted head.

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