Chapter 8

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I'm at school now. In Biology. Trying to concentrate but all I can think about is how good Jamal fucked me the other day. I keep getting flashbacks and oh my days. I wish I could find him right now.

I look outside the window and distantly in the school field he's doing his football practice with the rest of the team.

I get a pass to go the toilet. I want to wander around. It's one of those days. I go to the furthest one possible.

Outside the toilet I see Dion and Shantel. As I get closer I hear them shouting at each other. I should probably do something about that.

A guy from the team intrudes and tells Dion to stop and it starts a physical fight. Shantel tries breaking it up and I rush over to help her before someone ends up properly hurt.

Dion swings a pinch hard but the guy ducks and I get punched right in the face. I fall on the floor and hold onto to my eye in pain.

Jamal noticed it all on the way back from football to the changing rooms and he runs over and starts punching Dion mercilessly. He sits on him and punches him and punches him over and over.

I push him off and check to see if Dion is okay. His nose is bleeding a lot, but that's it. Shantel helps him up and goes to clean his nose.

"Are you okay?" Jamal whispers, coming up to me and looking closely at my eye.

"Why did you get like that?" I ask him. I never been so scared of him before. I guess I ain't never seen what he's really like when he's not around me.

"He hit you." He says.

"But I was okay. And he did it by accident. He said sorry."

He looks down at my face and I think he can tell that I'm scared a' him right now. Or a little scared of who he can be.

"Sorry Rafa...I was just protectin you."

I shake my head. "It's fine...I'm going back to class."


She's scared of me now. I seen it in her face. She saw the blood drippin from my fists. She seen what I'm really like. Fuck!

I kick the changing room locker hard in anger before leaving.

I can't reverse that. I never wanted her to see me when I'm like that. When I'm killin. Wish I could just go back in time.

I hope she doesn't let go of me cuz of that. I don't know what the fuck I'll do.

I spot her on the way out from school and try getting to her but some fuckin girl approaches me wiv her friends. They giggle and talk and it goes in one ear and out the other, I push past and see that Rafa's noticed me. She looks at me sadly, thinkin I'm entertaining these desperate gyals, and she carries on walking away with Shantel.

"Get the fuck out my face man." I say angrily and run over to her. Only girl in the world.

I grab her arm softly.

"Ay..." I greet her.

"See you tomorrow Rafaella." Shantel says and leaves with a glare. Fuck that.

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