Chapter 10

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We're lying in bed now. I can feel our time together slipping through my fingers, everything feels so precious.

"What was your first impression of me?" I ask.

He puts his phone down instantly. And I'm pretty sure he was in the middle of snapping a client. I love how he always pays attention to me like this.

"My first when I first saw ya or talked to ya?"

"Both." I shrug.

"When I first saw you...I thought I ain't never seen someone that especially pretty. I thought, I've got to talk to her, find out if she's as pretty inside,"

He smiles at me and I can never help but smile back.

"And when I first talked to you, I thought, fuck, her voice. Need to hear that in a different context. And I thought about how sweet your name is. And first proper conversation with you, on your mums birthday, I fink. I just thought, man, I wanna talk to her forever. Ain't never wanted to talk to someone the way I do wiv you."

I smile "what way is that?"

"Talk and actually talk. Like the way you think, the things you actually wanna talk about. All that metaphysical, spiritual shit. You're so fuckin intelligent I swear down I just couldn't stop listenin. And you're down to earth and you care instantly about people and so much...I knew from very early that I wanted you to be mine. Wanted all your care and affection and conversation."

I kiss him in appreciation.

"My first impression was nothing alike." I say and he laughs.

"Yeah, I bet."

"Some things I got right though."

"Like what?"

"Drug deala," I say, he scoffs "and hard. Tough background. Got kicked outta school. Fucks around cuz he's got a beautiful face. Scrutinising-"

"What you mean scrutinisin?" He asks.

"Like you're always looking. First thing I noticed about you was your eyes. Pickin everything apart. And dats not just cuz you wear a ski mask."

He puts his arm over my shoulder and kisses my face playfully, making me squeal.

"You're the only person I see now tho."

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