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Siddharth reached the place and saw them sitting on the sofa, day-dreaming. As soon as they saw him they stood up; fear clear in their eyes. Their eyes were everywhere not meeting his eyes but one person, the crook, was still sitting there fearless. He also looked down as soon as Siddharth's piercing gaze met his.

Siddharth grabbed the file, skimming through it. His hand reached out for a pen, playing with it. Keeping the file aside, he walked to the culprit who had several beating marks and wounds. "Are you gonna tell me or-" he cut Siddharth off confidently, "Not in your dreams." Siddharth nodded and suddenly drilled the pen in the culprit's palm, it came out the other side. He screamed on top of his lungs because of the pain making others flinch.

Without a second thought he spat everything looking at the pen drilled in his hand, "I steal the wares and sell it to the local goon of Mumbai; as sir isn't there many people are rising there in Mumbai." Listening to all this Abhishek grew furious, "to whom do you supply the wares?" He asked while gritting his teeth. "I don't know his name but Ankur Sharma handles it for him."

Siddharth's eyes darken hearing the name. "Who's the other person?" He asked coldly, everyone looked at him by change in his behaviour. "I swear I don't know the other person; please leave me," he pleaded, not able to bear the pain. "Tell me.. tell me... tell me..." with each word his voice raised. He got hold of a knife and made deep cuts on his body. He was continuously screaming in agony as slowly Siddharth cut his limb into pieces. Those cries were actually giving relief to his ears. "Last time tell me!" He shouted frantically. "Pl-ease k-i-ll m-e," they heard his faint voice which gave Siddharth his answer that he really doesn't know anything about that man.

Siddharth took out the pen from his hand causing him to scream but eventually happiness washed over his face. He still begged to kill him which was shocking for everyone,"Ki-ll m-e!" Siddharth held his jaw tightly causing it to break. "Your wish granted!" He inserted the pen in the culprit's neck causing his instant death. Others' eyes were about to pop out of socket. Siddharth left the place not even sparing a glance to them.

Others reached the house, directly went to the dining room. They were sitting with eyes wide open. Some had their hands on their heart, some on their mouth, some had it on their ears. Their breath was uneven with heart pacing at a high rate, they could feel their saliva drying up. His screams echoed in their ears, his bloody figure flashed in front of their eyes. They had tortured but had never been this much callous.

Girls saw this and frowned at their demeanour. They arrived near to notice their behaviour precisely. Vaishnavi's hands accidentally landed on Abhishek's chest. Her eyes widened as she felt his heart beating at high speed. "What happened to all of you?" She asked all concerned. Others checked their forehead to ensure their well being. "Lucky are you okay?" Arishfa looked at his wide eyes. "Will you open your damn mouth?" Jannat asked, getting furious by their silence. "He killed him!"

"Who killed whom?" Asked Reem, utterly confused. "Sid-dh-arth!" Faisu let out a shaky breath. "He tortured him like hell," Faisu, who was standing all the time, sat on the floor face palming. "This was worse I've witnessed," Abhishek said with a horrified expression. "You should be thankful he didn't harm you," Vaishnavi spoke earning nods.

"Which one was worst?" Lucky asked, all looked at him. "In the club!" Realisation hit the men, their eyes widened. "What?" Girls were utterly confused. "Spike!" "Hall!" "Boys!" "Lion!" Each one of them said different words. "Horrific, that heart was stuck in the throat," Jai spoke and else nodded. "When?" Jannat asked, getting frustrated. Faisu narrated the whole incident to her.

"We didn't even know this all happened for years," Reem exclaimed. "This sounds even more dangerous than what I've heard about one murder case in Mumbai." Arishfa was reminded of a memory. "Which one?" Lucky asked. "Oh! Are you talking about that mysterious case?" Reem asked, earning a nod from Arishfa. "You remember there was same headline in all news channels that day, a mysterious murder took place and pieces of corpse was found in seashore." Reem spoke.

"Do you even know who did that murder?" Jai asked, in return she shook her head. "It was done by King," he said. "But that-'' Faisu cut Jannat off, "yes nobody knew it initially, because he didn't let anyone. Soon the news spread like forest fire that it was done by him." Jannat shook her head in disbelief, "means he's also just a murderer, a psycho who kills people out of fun." Lucky denied it, "No! He surely is a murderer but not a psycho who kills for fun. Do you know why did he kill them or precisely tortured them till they died?" She shook her head conveying she doesn't.

"Why?" She asked. Lucky inhaled a deep breath before narrating the cause, "A girl begged him for justice. She was a victim of rape, she was pressurized a lot by the boy, his family and even her own. He bestowed her with a justice by kidnapping each and everyone liable for her condition. She was free to punish them but after her he tortured the boy just how he tormented the girl. He made sure they suffered just the way she did. The body was floating in Mumbai beach. Police couldn't to do anything because nobody knows who he is, how does he look like, where he hails from, they just know he controls the biggest mafia along with the entire illegal organisation in Asia, he is feared by everyone in the underworld. After that incident his terror increased in every culprit's heart." He finished and gazed at the girls who seemed anxious. "However, one thing was strange that the girl was never seen again, she disappeared." Jai sounded confused.

"How can any parents blame their own child?" Reem said disgusted at the girl's parents' behaviour. "It's the same as how all of you forced Avu and dad is blaming her for nothing." Vaishnavi made them feel guilty.

Abhishek grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him, "you make sure we regret well na?" Vaishnavi gave a faint smile, in all these years they have forgotten how to smile to the fullest, "you are very lucky Siddharth is not making you regret. Trust me you wouldn't like it."

Just then they heard a loud sound, "Who did this?"

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