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In the evening, the sun was setting down creating a beautiful view. Siddharth was standing near a window in his hotel room which was giving him a view of the city's slum area. His face held a blank expression, he wasn't having his disguise. He was waiting for someone's call. 

His phone rang, making him pick the call. "Took you long enough to inform me they agreed?" The first thing he uttered coldly without any greetings. "How?" Surprise was clearly visible in the other person's tone.

"Everytime you forget who I am," he said, rolling his eyes at the other person's stupidity. "You mean to say you already knew they would agree?" The other person earned a 'hmm' reply.

"Everything is in control at home, Asia and lastly Italy." The other person informed him. "Any information about Pathak?" Siddharth asked on call. "He runs a brothel and is often found there," it took really hard for the other person to answer him only to be chided by Siddharth.

"I'm not going there, get that in your bloody mind Lucky," he scowled over the phone that Lucky had to pull it away from his ear.

He disdained this kinda activity, he despised the prostitutes who threw themselves on every other walking man and even more the people who used girls to fulfil their sexual desire. It was kinda shocking though that being in this dark world filled with people hungry for power and lust since the age of 21, he was far away from all these.

"You need to do it to reach those people," Lucky tried to persuade him. "Any alternative?" He asked, ignoring his previous statement. Lucky sighed loud enough for Siddharth otherside to hear. "No!" He straight away denied and having no option Siddharth has to agree. 

Siddharth hung up the call hearing the taxi horn. He immediately dressed up in his rogue outfit. He climbed downstairs to hop into the taxi. As soon as he said the place where he wanted to visit, the taxi driver passed him a mischievous look to which he rolled his eyes. Only he knew how much he was restraining himself to not burst out in flames of extreme rage.

After 20 minutes Siddharth got out of the taxi with his cane. He entered just to meet the dim red lights with people grinding or making out and horny atmosphere. Some prostitutes were swaying with the music to seduce the clients. The scent of smoke and alcohol filled his nostrils. 

Someone's voice earned his attention, "Avneet will arrive the day after tomorrow." His head whipped in the direction hearing the name. He scurried towards the man restraining himself from snapping the head of the other person. "Who is this girl?" His voice was broken a bit. "Who? Avneet?" The man frowned, "she'll be one of these sluts." 

The next thing Siddharth saw was all red. He exhaled sharply trying his best to not to create a scene. "Can I meet Pathak bhai, where is he?" The man looked at him skeptically. "Why do you want to meet him?" He gazed at him from head to toe. "Business!" The man nodded, "he's not here but can meet tomorrow at Ali's taxi stand." Scanning him, the man left inside.

Siddharth clenched his fist as he saw some girl being dragged by a muscular man to a room. She didn't look more than 15 while the man looked 35. Anybody can say that he was about to rape her, she was crying to leave her but all went to deaf ears. He was pulling her hair making her yelp which he was enjoying. 

Just when he felt someone patted his shoulder making him turn. He saw a lady around 45 chewing her lips, her red lipstick made her lips look too large; her revealing clothes stated that she was obese. "Sir, have a seat!" She said to him and screamed, turning otherside, "hey, a customer is here." 

She again turned back to Siddharth who was dwelling on the seat, "which one would you prefer?" She said, referring to all the sluts dancing. "I want that one," he said emotionlessly pointing to the girl who was being forcefully dragged. 

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