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"Who gave you the permission to do that?" Avneet yelled, fury vibrating off her each cell, enough to distress everyone present there.

The elders of the Italian mafia were seated in the meeting room, with Regina on the chair placed at one end of the table. Atmosphere in the meeting room felt oblivious, the air around her was sizzling hot, unlike any other day when any disturbing emotion was detached at the threshold to not let it influence any of the decisions taken. The Italian men appeared guilty and frightened as she continued to rebuke them.

"How dare you make the decisions without consulting me? Did you forget who this mafia is led by?" She roared, her palm connected the table and the whole room echoed with the bang. She seemed furious, her heated glares made everyone squirm in their seats of sheer nervousness. Any other day it would be her silence trembling the culprit but that day it was her fury loud enough to make the building quiver.

"Regina, the treaty with the Irish mob was for the best. They were in dire need of security and it proved to be huge profitable for us. Now all of their arms will be sold to us in half of the price." The elder sitting closest to her dared to lift his eyes among the heads bowed before her.

"So you made the decision in my absence?" She raised her eyebrow, gritting her teeth. "I am the Queen! I command and you comply, not the other way round." Her prompt possessed an authority like no other. She was called that name for a reason.

A fretted sigh escaped her lips, "Moreover, the Irish mob was never on good terms with the Asian mafia. We are securing them from whom, SN?" The elders appeared as goats, getting executed at every point. They felt the noose around their neck tighten at her one glance.

A sinister laugh rolled off her tongue, "He's the Mafia King! This mafia will come crumbling down at his one gesture. He's the lion, secretly hunting his prey. He won't even bat an eyelash before shooting you all between yours eyes." She spat the words at them and no matter how bitter it sounded, it was a fact at the end.

"I don't want any harm befalling my people." She yelled, getting on her feet. Everyone stood up as well, flinching at her act. "If a single soldier is inflicted any harm, I'd slay you all myself." Her threat had shivers descending their spines.

"No one knows how many spies he has in each of the mafias." She muttered, rubbing her forehed out of anxiety. She didn't care about the elders but the soldiers of her mafia. They were dependent on her for their livelihood. And she cannot afford losing their loyalty neither can she oppose him, not even at the cost of her life.

Click of the door caught her attention, adding fuel to the fire, entered Luciano. "I think I know!" She mumbled under her breath before giving him cold eyes, "What took you so long?" He gulped, he was well aware, the hurricane was going to wipe his existence off the world. He cursed Siddharth in his mind.

"Regina, he manipulated us for the treaty." Luciano glared at the man trying to seek her sympathy, was the one who agreed for the decision at once. "And you were a kid to get manipulated by me." He retorted back.

"Enough!" Their bickering was cut short by her. Her face fumed in anger, scrutinising his orbs instantly reading his mind. Her jaw clenched whilst snarling orders, "The treaty exists no more! Break it off!" She strode outta the meeting room.

Luciano's eyes widened, "Please don't!" He uttered frantically before trailing behind her.


"Arth!" A voice boomed tearing apart the silent atmosphere of the mansion. Lucky clutched his ears, his eyelids fell down instinctively. Arishfa, who was present in the front room with other girls watching television, grasped the remote firmly before it could fall from the sudden noise.

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