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Abhishek and Jai were standing in Siddharth's office, before his desk. While he was leaning on the desk, skimming a file. They both stared at each other, thinking how stupid they were. The Lizard and the spider were electronic devices owned by none other than, SN.

SN knew everything from the beginning. He was just playing dumb and enjoying everything around. He wasn't known as the king of the dark world just like that. His eyes were sharp like an eagle, his actions were as fast as a cheetah, he was colder than ice and cunning than a fox. He controls everything around, even one's soul.

"We'll not meet her again, till you command." Abhishek who was pushed by Jai said. They were somewhere hesitant to face his anger. It was awful, anyone who did bear knew it.

After a dreadful moment of silence he spoke, "ask others to visit her." Their eyes snapped up with a glint. Both of 'em ran out, eager to spread this news.

He was getting back to normal. Siddharth's rock heart was melting. The reason was her. He got his sanity back.


Avneet was seen clicking the keys on the laptop furiously. She heard a knock on the door. She frowned as it was quite clear that she didn't have many visitors then who was at the door.

"Come in!" As the command escaped her huge family walked in. She was gobsmacked. Siddharth was damn serious when he stated he wouldn't allow anyone to even have her glance.

"Oh my god! This girl is still working. How did he even allow you to work?" Her mother came forward, snatching the laptop. Little did she know he had no say before her.

"Maa!" She whined. "Nope! You won't get that. You should rest my dear." Vibha caressed her cheeks and embraced her with a little smile on her face. Sonia was still in tears, Avneet turned around to see her sniffing. "Maa! No! Maa, I'm fit and fine."

"See!" She flexed her non-existing muscles, earning a few chuckles. "Who were they? What did they need?" She was bombarded with questions. She knew the answers but nonetheless shook her head.

"Thank god! We got you back." Sonia feathered her with kisses finally able to feel her daughter. "Someday or the other I was meant to be here, nobody can tolerate me for so long."

"So true!" Reem laughed. Soon enough they were diverted from her health condition to gossip.

"How many times did he aim?" Avneet asked sneakily. "Several times," Arishfa answered as everyone else was engrossed in thinking. "And how many times did he succeed?"

"Once!" Jannat said ever so innocently. "I thought not even once," she said, frowning. "Oh, he's not that bad!" Avneet averted her gaze to Jannat for the latter. She chuckled a bit. "Only if you knew, he's the best."

"Definitely!" Faisu's voice was what she heard, him being so close to her. Her smile vanished instantly. A stoic expression replaced it. "Please help, Dad! His injury wouldn't allow him to stand too long." She said to the girls.

As they were diverted she turned towards boys and Vaishnavi who was standing there as well. "How do you know?" She gave him a glare. "Eavesdropping is a bad habit for sure."

Her head slowly turned towards the two boys just to find them looking everywhere except her. She shook her head at their carelessness. "He doesn't know about it?" They shook their heads. "Why do you always have this death wish?"

"You know right the King is yet to be revealed in the underworld, let alone to the external world. This act is considered highly offensive and punishable in his mafia. If something happens to him or he is exposed to the enemies in any way, you all will be framed and the whole Asian mafia will be behind you."

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