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Pathak's head turned back instinctively to see his man lying flatwise on the ground. His gaze travelled upwards to Siddharth who was still in the same position, head hung low and eyes on the ground, didn't even move an inch. He again looked at the man, the blood spread on the ground, a testimony that he's no more. 

He looked back to Siddharth who lifted his head, but this time anybody could see the courage on his face, his eyes glowing in bravery. He indicated his men to attack.

His man moved closer and was about to attack, when Siddharth stood abruptly and a kick landed on his face causing his strike with the ground. Another one came to invade but was strangled between Siddharth's leg on ground. He slowly lifted his head to look up to others' confused and perplexed looks.

One by one all others met the ground with tenacious strikes from Siddharth. Pathak flinched when he stood before him out of blue. He reached out for his gun but before Siddharth struck him with butt of the gun he was holding.

"Leave me! What are you doing?" Pathak screamed as Siddharth wrapped his muscular hand around his throat and the other hand holding his arm still at the back. He wasn't able to do any harm to the opponent as the grip was firm. "Where is Ankur Sharma?" He asked, gritting his teeth.

"I don't kn-ow," Pathak lied. In a swift he was lying on the ground with Siddharth's gun pressed on his throat. "Spit it, god dammit!" He shouted, not able to control his anger anymore. 

Instead of saying anything Pathak started crawling back which was the worst idea. Siddharth shot his leg earning an ear piercing scream. "He liv-es in Dh-ara-vi," he said, breathing unevenly. "Ahh!" Another ear piercing scream left his mouth as Siddharth pressed the wound by his foot. He clutched his leg, not able to bear the excruciating pain.

"Wh-o are yo-u? Wha-t do yo-u w-ant fr-om h-im?" He tried to be confident but failed miserably. "Your death, SN!" A look of horror flashed over his face. He gulped hard in fear of losing his life.

"Pl-ea-se lea-ve me, we can ta-lk," he begged but who was he pleading to, a devil who doesn't have 'mercy' in his dictionary.

"My tongue talks directly to my enemies just like my bullet." The bullet pierced his forehead. By the pressure of the bullet his head which lifted a little fell on the ground announcing his death.

Siddharth got on his feet, he had many blood patches on his face which seemed as if he had been beaten harshly but it was proved wrong as he wiped all the blood and there was absolutely no scratch on his face. All the blood was of his opponents which were lying lifelessly on the ground.

Coming out of the gate his helpless look returned. Raju's taxi was waiting outside on the main road so he had to walk a little to reach. He was hobbling to cross the road when someone snatched the bag he was holding. He was about to run but at the same time Raju arrived with his taxi resisting him. 

With the cane he couldn't go far as the robber was a teenager and energetic, he ran vanishing from the sight before anyone could get a good look of him. "Hey, what happened?" Raju asked, getting out of the taxi seeing his troubled face; the bag had important documents.

"Bag!" Raju's attention deviated towards the alley the robber ran; a slum area. "You should've taken care of it, this place is thieves' zone," he said, referring to the large board which displayed 'wanted thieves'. "Let's go, you won't be getting the bag back."

"Had my laptop in that bag," Siddharth interjected. "Forget it and let's go, come on." He was getting back to the taxi reluctantly when someone called him from behind. He turned to see the same boy, his hand on the ajar door of the taxi. 

"I'm sorry sir," saying that he was about to touch Siddharth's feet but at the right moment he backed away. "Hey!" 

"I didn't know whose bag was I stealing, when I opened the laptop it had pictures of the gangsters Abhishek Nigam, Jaijeet Singh, Faisal Sheikh and Amandeep Nandra. It also had 'SN' as a wallpaper with a crown." Raju was gobsmacked hearing the boy. 

"What else did you see?" The boy shook his head. Siddharth gestured him to leave and himself sat inside the taxi's passenger seat while the boy went his way. Raju was frozen at the same spot.

He looked over Siddharth while drivin' the taxi who was invested in laptop. "Ask whatever you want to!" His voice startled Raju as without even looking away from the laptop he could guess Raju's gaze upon himself.

"How do you know these many hooligans, especially SN?" Siddharth finally turned his way. "You mean to say gangsters and mobsters," he corrected, "and are my friends."

"You mean the mafia king and those gangsters are your allies?" He gave Raju a bored look. "Amandeep also?" This time he noticed the change in tone uttering the name.

"Why sudden disrespect for him?" His one eyebrow raised instinctively. "He is not like your other friends, kind and who's not afraid of others, especially the mafia king. I mean he's generous either but too dangerous. Once he sliced a rapist and threw the body pieces in the sea. Since then he has ruled everyone's heart."

He was praising SN and Siddharth was not paying any heed towards it. They headed towards the hotel. 


Next day, 

Siddharth was standing on the threshold of Dharavi with a black briefcase. The foul smell filled his nostrils. The dirty lane, several broken huts, and people in not so good condition came into his view. He wasn't affected by all this.

He was born and brought up in an affluent society, of course his father was a member of a gang, they had ample to live a lavish life. But he gained this experience during the starting days of his underworld involvement. He was not served all this in his plate like his friends or brother who were indulged in the same gang his father worked. He started from zero and took it to reign over the entire crime network of Asia.

This isn't matter of seconds but years of hard work, sacrifice, disrespect, sleepless nights and taunts from his own family because they thought he was good for nothing, idle, unwaged and what not. However at the end it all led him to his success, he became something which nobody can even be. 

Tearing the atmosphere he sat his foot on the street. The moment he entered the slum area, a completely different atmosphere spread, an indication of a storm. A cottage comparatively big came into his sight, he strode towards his enemy's cottage. 

As he entered the cottage, many daggers swung and many weapons flew his way. His reflex was so quick that none of the weapons could even touch his body. He did it so flawlessly. Neither he reacted at this action nor did he stop moving towards the man standing in the center.

Seeing him walk carelessly with absolutely no fear erupted fear in other's hearts. "Aye, aye who are you?" The man in the center stumbled back. "Stay away! Stay away!" He said looking at Siddharth. "Do you even know who I am?" The same man shouted trying to scare him.

Siddharth smirked evilly and spoke in his cold voice. "Darr khud mujhse darta hai aur tum mujhe darane ki koshish kar rahe ho." He stood opposite the person looking straight into his eyes, scaring his soul.

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