'History was repeating'

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The door of my cabin flung open making me look at the damn person. Who's got a death wish early in the morning? I look aghast at the person before me. "How did the guards let you enter?" And the look he gave me says it all. Darn! That glare must have scared the shit out of my man. He looks so wicked right now that would even make the devil think twice before making an appearance in front of him.

He pinches the tip of his nose looking so frustrated and completely not someone whom I'll address my Dada; something's fishy. He walked to me, engulfing me in his warm embrace. "What is bothering you?" I ask as we part away.

My fingers curl up on their own as I hear him narrate his point. "I swear I'll strangle him to death if he said even a single word about them."

"I'll allow you to do that." His eyebrow creases as he stares at me contemplating the meaning behind my words. A strange glint hovers over his pupil as he interprets my words. His eyes connect with mine and an interrogating smile stretches on his face. I nod, making a different smirk creep on his face. "He's an elder in your Mafia?"

"Who else's Mafia is active in Asia?" I answer gazing at my mafia territory. "And he's not someone holding a lot of power, not enough for The King to bless him with his presence." The wooden blocks hung up on the wall describes the crime organization in Asia.

" The wooden blocks hung up on the wall describes the crime organization in Asia

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"You are revealing some pretty good weaknesses in him. I'll definitely use 'em against him." A wicked smile playing on his lips.

We get to business discussing her abduction and the culprit. "Who's that?" He asks away gritting his teeth. "Raman Gurung!" A confusion flashed on his face. "Never have I ever heard his name."

"You would never. He's got no name in the underworld though he's a small dacoit. However, something is enough for him to die painfully a thousand times." "What is that?"

"A, he hurt my love and B, he assassinated our father." He abruptly stands up on his feet. "Are you even in your senses?" He yells and the anger directs upon the topic that I just pulled out of nowhere.

"I am!" I say firmly, "He was assassinated and betrayed by his own gang members, they supported a man who was utterly jealous of Dad's power."

"How did we not find it out?" He wonders rubbing his temple at the just received shock. "Those members betrayed you." I say as the tension in the air remains still.

"Where the hell is that bastard?" He asks, rage lacing his voice. "We have not found him yet." I immediately regret it. He passes me a deadly glare. "You control entire crime organisations in Asia. You lead the biggest mafia and have connections all over the world. How come you did not find an insignificant person?" He roars furiously, shaking up my table. I close my eyes, no one has ever done that.

"You better find him!" He grits with extreme rage. I nod, not wanting to anger him more. Damn! He's in a really bad mood. He is radiating some blood thirsty vibes I generally do.

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