To Survive: Part 11: Deadly Life: Gather In The Gym And Another Death

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When Silver opened his eyes, he found himself staring at a huge ceiling. It was a ceiling he remember seeing before. And when he sat up, he saw someone looking at him. Again, it was someone he'd seen before.

Silver: H-huh...?

Crystal: Ah! You're awake! Finally! Are you okay?

Scourge: Now's no time for sleeping, dipshit! Get your ass up!

Silver: Huh...?

CJ: You were unconscious, dude. 

Sarvente: I had to carry you back here.

Twilight Sparkle: It's no surprise, considering what happened.

Silver: What...happened? [He then remembers seeing Whitty's dead body] Gh--! Grraaah!

Amy: H-Hey, are you okay!?

Silver: So it wasn't a dream? What I saw... It was real...?

Shadow: That's right. It really did happen. dead.

Silver: N-no...! You guys are lying...! [A deep, dark despair worked its way through Silver's body and then exploded out of him. He shot up and took off running]

Shadow: Hey, where do you think you're going?

Silver: I have to see for myself! I have to see if Whitty is--! If Whitty is...!

Shadow: You can check once, twice, a thousand times. Whitty is completely and irrevocably dead.

Silver: No! I have to see for myself!

CJ: Listen to us, man! Whaddya think's gonna happen if you go out there?

Silver: Well what good is it gonna do just sitting around here!? I mean, why are we all hanging out in the gym at a time like this!? Our friend...Whitty...he's... He's dead! [Dead... When Silver said that, it finally hit him. I realized he really was gone...]

Shadow: You're not the only one who's in despair right now, Silver...

Silver: H-huh...?

Dawn: Ever since Ruv found out, he has not been himself...

Scourge: And now he's crying in the corner like a little bitch! It's hilarious! Nyhahahahaha!!!

Knuckles: Hey! Don't say that! I'm sure you'd be sad if someone you cared about died!

Sarvente: Well, you guys can stay here if you want... I'm gonna go check on Ruv... [She walked over to where Ruv was]

Ruv: [Thinking] Keep your cool, Ruv

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Ruv: [Thinking] Keep your cool, Ruv... D-don't let anyone see you cry... Even though someone killed your first real friend in who knows how long, it's just a death... Don't think about how Whitty's dead... And how you're weak for not doing anything about it... And how...

Sarvente: Hey Ruv...

Ruv: S-sarv... [Wipes away his tears] 

Sarvente: Are you okay...?

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