To Survive: Part 16: Class Trial: Starting Strong

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[I couldn't think of a good Gacha picture, so have a Danganronpa picture and some class trial music instead! On the house!]

Class Trial: All Rise!

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Silver: And the killer really is one of us, right?

Monokuma: Of course!

CJ: Okay then... everyone close your eyes, and whoever did it, raise your hand!

Scourge: Don't be a goddamn idiot, dipshit! Why the hell would they raise their hand?!

Blaze: Before we move on and start the trial, can I ask a question real quick? [She points at the pictures of Whitty and Fiona] What's going on with...those pictures?

Monokuma: I'd feel awful if they got left out just because they died. Friendship penetrates even death's barrier!

Pinkie Pie: Friendship... penetrates?

Dawn: Okay, but what about that other empty seat? [Points at the empty seat] There were only 20 of us, to begin with, so why are there 21 seats?

Monokuma: Oh, no reason. It's just that our little courtroom here can technically fit up to 21 people. Okay, that about does it for the preamble. Get ready to get started! First up is the case summary. Now, let the class trial...begin!

Silver: [Thinking] It's about to begin--the debate to decide who we think the killer is... Anything I found, anything I noticed... I have to be ready to speak up about everything. Because this isn't just about me. Everyone's lives are on the line!

[Truth Bullet: Evidence of a Struggle]

Dawn: I assert that the one who was murdered was Whitty, the Ultimate Rockstar!

Sarvente: ...Yeah, we know that part already.

Shadow: And the murder took place in the victim's own room.

Kat: In the bathroom...

Benjamin: S-so it s-seems m-most likely that... Th-the killer m-must have t-taken him by surprise while he was in the b-bathroom. H-he didn't even h-have a chance to resist...

[Truth Bullet Fired]

Ruv: NO, THAT'S WRONG!!!!! Just a second, Benjamin. Try to remember how Whitty's room looked... With the way things had been damaged, I think we can definitely assume there was a struggle.

Benjamin: A-a struggle? B-between who... a-and who?

Silver: Between Whitty and the killer, of course.

Benjamin: S-so you're s-saying... Wh-whitty w-wasn't caught by surprise in the bathroom?

Dawn: He must have been attacked in the main room first, then he ran to the bathroom to try and hide. The killer followed him in, and that's where they finished the job...

Shadow: That much should have been obvious after taking one look at the scene. It shouldn't even need explaining.

Benjamin: S-Sorry...

Sarvente: Okay, so what's next?

Twilight Sparkle: Next is the subject of the murder weapon.

Pinkie Pie: Wowsers... This is starting to sound like a real trial!

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