~Chapter 3: Ambushed~

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As I looked around at the darkness ahead I could see pedals almost in the distance. I couldn't stop my body from moving on it's own, going slowly towards the petals in the distance. Then just as I was about to grab the now noticeable white Lilly petal I heard a voice.
"Hello again Dark choco....I haven't seen you for awhile now..."
"Huh?! Who's there!"
"Do not fear young prince I only want to talk"
"....well get to the point then...."
"Alright then tell me....Do you remember the day you got that large scar?"
Dark choco couldn't respond before he felt a cold hand over his blind eye. He shot his head towards the voice then stood in awe and fear.
"White Lilly cookie...?"
The voice and now figure was indeed white Lilly however unlike described in real life, White Lilly had a white aura around making her look as if she was a spirit as well as the fact she had not pupils just completely white eyes.
"Well? Do you remember how you got your scar?"
"....I haven't a clue what you're on about miss but I can assure you that my scar is only a birth mark..."
"hm, is that what the old king told you? Here take my hand....I can show you what really happened...."
"Why should I trust you? I've only heard bad things about you and your little rebellion...."
"You don't have to trust me you only have to listen...."
Dark choco felt the sweat going down his cheek as he very slowly held his hand out to take white Lilly's hand but just as he was about to.....
Dark choco shot up from his sleep gasping loudly. He quickly looked around to see his other two ally's were just as shocked. Then red velvet got up and looked out the side window to see what happened.
"AY?! What's all the ruckus about up there!"
"Sir my horse has just been shot! I can't calm her down!"
Red velvet then quickly stuck his head back in the cart.
"You highness I think were being ambushed!"
The prince and his advisor both agreed but didn't have a chance to say anything before another loud crash and they all saw a flare of light magic fly though the now shattered window. Dark choco quickly got down and dragged the other two on the floor.
"Well where the hell are our guards damn it?! Didn't father send them right behind us"
Affogato quickly responded "Yes your highness but they were forced to stop while you were asleep in order to fill back up on supplies for their horses"
Dark choco only felt more worried now as the light magic continued to flash and fly though the top of the carriage. But then Dark choco calmed his nerves and grabbed his sword which was still sitting on the carriage seat. To which Red velvet grabbed his spear by the door. Affogato however not having a weapon stayed down but gave a reassuring look towards the two boys. Dark choco after seeing that burst though the carriage door and immediately scanned the forest for the enemy. Of course it wasn't long before the ambushers lunged themself as Dark choco earning a quick slash to the stomach while red velvet finished them off. Dark choco while in battle couldn't seem to find the source of where the light magic was coming from until a giant flash of it came out of a near bush right at him. While Dark choco barely managed to dodge and make his way towards the source the enemy's who were caught in the cross fire were cut in half instantly. Dark Choco lunged right into the bush right at the unknown foe. Dark choco managed to get a grip on the enemy's neck for a second before getting kicked in the stomach and shot back. Dark choco in slight pain got a good look at the enemy. The male was noticeably shorter then him, almost bleached blonde hair and feminine blue eyes. The man's clothes looked like those of royalty nothing like the bandits attacking his friends.
"My my, for a bandit you have quite the taste in fashion"
The blonde male clearly looked offended.
"Spare me your flattery fool, me and my ally's are no bandits. You and your gang  are the outsiders here, you've crossed a highly important border which is highly against the law!"
Dark choco quickly punched the man in the gut as he finished his speech. Dark choco looked down almost disappointed.
"You really let your guard down just to tell me that? We aren't even breaking the law we are just passing to go to the Holly berry empire"
Dark choco then brought his sword down to the blondes throat. This brought fear to the male who tried to back up only to be met with a tree. Dark choco then still having the sword to his throat have him a cold stare.
"Now then dim lit, give me one good reason I shouldn't slit your throat.."
".....Cause my father would be very angry with you....and don't call me that"
"Pfft, and who is your father?"
"King Pure Vanilla Cookie.....You Dirty warrior"
Dark choco felt slightly angered by the slur but kept his composure. Then began to think sword still on the boys throat. Pure Vanilla Cookie? Surly that's a lie? The Vanilla King has no heir? However this man does look quite like him...
"So you're Pure vanillas son? Prove it"
Dark choco said quickly while backing up letting the boy get up. The boy sighed with relief as he stood and swiftly swayed his hair to the side showing the symbol on his forehead. It was a large perfect diamond shape birth mark on his head. It sure looked exactly like pure vanilla's mark. Then Dark choco took a good look over the boys clothes again. With the second glance it was indeed the clothes of royalty. He even had one of pure vanilla's cone capes.
"Interesting....and what's a royal like yourself doing out here on your own? Now that I put the pieces together it's clear you followed these bandits out here. The fools don't even know you were trying to help."
".......I could ask you the same thing...I'd recognize that purple soul jam anywhere...You're Dark Cacaos son..."
The two royals now stood in silence. Staring as each other with cold stares. They both knew they were out of place and that it was practically a sin to be seeing let alone talking to each other. Dark Choco finally broke the silence however having a strange idea putting his hand out.
"My names Dark choco cookie...What would your name be Vanilla prince?"
The blonde prince hesitant shook the other royals hands
"Madeleine Cookie....I can't tell if it's a pleasure or a curse to meet you"
The two then broke out in light giggles. It was truly strange seeing another royal that wasn't part of their own kingdoms. They both felt a surprising comfort in each other's company now but just as they started to have a normal conversation they heard a yell from the distance.
"My prince! Where are you?! We've defeated the bandits!"
The two royals have each other a sadish glance before separating. However just as Dark choco was walking away Madeleine lightly grabbed his hand.
"Um...Dark choco...will I ever see you again?"
".....Perhaps...I'm not sure..."
This didn't seem to make Madeleine feel any better about him leaving but then Dark choco got an idea.
"Unless...We meet near the holly berry border!"
"But where by the border?"
"Right at the start of the jungle! We can meet at midnight everyday there!"
Madeleine's eyes slightly lit up as he nodded with agreement.
"Alright I see you then! I'll take my leave now before I get caught with you"
Madeleine said at a whisper yell before rushing off. To which Dark choco also rushed towards where he originally came from.
"I'm right here red velvet! No need to worry! I was simply finishing off a vanilla bandit."
Red velvet hearing and seeing Dark choco smiled wildly as he quickly wrapped Dark choco into a hug.
"Oh thank goodness my prince....I had only the worst of thoughts of what happened to you...."
Dark choco slightly laughed as he hugged the taller boy back. They quickly parted however when the messy and tired Affogato coughed loudly and motioned to the somehow still working carriage along with the Cacao guards who finally caught up with them. Dark choco laughed a bit more looking back at Red velvet walking back to the cart.
"Goodness Red you act as if I'm made out of sugar glass and porcelain~"
Dark choco flirted as he sat backing in the carriage. Red Velvet felt his face slightly heat up but quickly calmed down as he stepped back in cart and sat by Dark choco.
After a few hours of repairing the carriage the royals were finally back on track and moving quicker as they made their way to the Holly Berry empire. And Dark Choco just wouldn't shut up. Asking many questions about the vanilla kingdom and their royal family. This worried Affogato and Red velvet both as more questions answered and asked. It made red even more worried however he feared Dark Choco had some interest in one of the bandits that had lived the attack or worse fallen for one. Affogato finally spoke up after answering another strange question from the prince.
"Ahem, your highness what is with the sudden interest in the vanilla kingdoms history?....You had never been intrigued about it before..."
"Oh Affogato it's nothing serious really...it's just while fighting off the bandits I couldn't help but notice the intriguing scenery and fashion of the vanilla bandits"
"Ah, I see my prince...However you've been asking many more questions about the newly found vanilla prince...Nobody had told you about that yet...It's all very new news..."
"Is it? I only asked cause I overheard some soldiers and servants talking about them back at our kingdom...So of course I wanted to learn more about a sudden addition to the royal vanilla family!"
Dark Choco spat out more and more white lies as they grew closer to their stop. Luckily for him though it seemed to satisfy Affogato and he finally stopped nagging at him about it. Red velvet on the other hand knew he was lying and kept a close watch on him the rest of the trip.
Dark choco felt a bit wobbly getting out of the carriage but that quickly passed by as he stood and looked in awe at the gorgeous palace he hasn't seen since he was small. He almost felt terrified as it looked as if it was frozen in time. Until red velvet placed his large claw on his shoulder.
"Are you ready to go meet your fiancé my prince?"
Dark choco had a instant mood change with those words and lightly shrugged red velvet off him.
"Tsk, way to kill the mood red..."
"Oh- sorry my prince I didn't mean to do that"  
"Whatever let's just go I guess"
Dark choco rolled his eyes as he walked off into the palace. Red velvet and Affogato quickly following behind.

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