~Chapter 15: Sweet Embrace~

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~18+ Material~
!!Skip to check point if uncomfortable!!

   Dark choco felt warm as he embraced the kiss wrapping his arms around Madeleine's neck deepening the kiss further. The once simple kiss had suddenly become a battle of passion for one another as they found themself stumbling to the grassy floor. The two had never felt so alive. As they finally broke apart they were panting as the saliva that connected them was wiped away by Dark choco who seemed completely star stuck. Meanwhile Madeleine looked as if he'd been on a new level of high as he stared down at the prince with a mixture of love and lust. However the blonde calmed himself  before finally breaking the silent breathing.
"How far do you wanna take this my dear~?"
   Madeleine asked him tilting his head almost in a playful manner before he smiled down at the royal. Dark choco felt his whole body shiver with excitement before he bit his lip and let out a soft chuckle responding with absolute certainty.
"Far enough that we'll never feel apart~"
That was enough for Madeleine as he lowered his head down to Dark choco's neck giving it a light kiss before bitting down on the princes warm skin. This caused Dark choco to let out rather needy moan before he covered his mouth in embarrassment but Madeleine didn't mind as he continued the attack on his neck only earning more desperate noises from the prince.
   Before Madeleine could go any farther however Dark choco would have to remove some of his attire. So as lightly as he could Madeleine began to untangle the prince from his armor before Dark choco took hold of his own dusty purple undershirt and tossing it to the side he'd also removed his own boots. This left the prince with nothing but his pants and belt. Madeleine also took this chance to undress himself as well a bit more roughly taking out his winged hair clips before slipping off his coat and button up then finally removing his own shoes and skirt. This allowed the two royals to examine each other even closer than before.
Dark choco couldn't help but fawn over Madeleine smooth and tan body left with no sign of harm. Meanwhile Madeleine felt completely entranced by Dark choco's light scars and rough skin telling its own story. Madeleine began to feel up the prince before returning to his original task bitting down on his skin again catching Dark choco off guard. So as the attack continued on Dark choco began to wrap legs around Madeleine waist getting more desperate for more scandalous pleasure. Madeleine quickly caught on to this as he felt his own problem rub against Dark choco's rear.
So Madeleine stopped giving hickeys to the prince before putting his hand at Dark choco's belt looking up at Dark choco for a response which was met with a light nod.
!!Check Point!!
  The two boys cuddled close still gasping for air as they felt warm in each others grasp. Until Dark choco broke their comfortable silence.
"Does this mean we're a thing now....?"
   Madeleine laughed at the silly question before leaning his head against Dark choco's shoulders and responding.
"Well... That's up to you darling.."
"Pfft, yes choco"
That made Dark choco feel relieved letting out a large breath he didn't know he was holding in. There was alway something in the back of his mind that told him otherwise for situations but now there was a new task at hand so he would worry about that later.
"Maddie it seems our time is almost up... I already can't wait for your letter!"
Dark Choco chuckled as he stood up bringing Madeleine up with him. This made the blonde giggle before he took one of Dark choco's hand and kissed his cheek before letting go.
"Until then darling. I'll start writing as soon as I can. Love you...."
"Love you too.!"
With that the boys parted ways feeling lighter than ever. Soon enough Dark choco returned to his room now noticing how bare it was without his stuff. Just then he panicked as he opened his side drawer only sigh in relief again. The diary and necklace were still there. So he grabbed the two items and made his way out the room heading for the Empires front gates to check the progress of packing and leaving. Just when he hit the front porch though his freind stopped him in his tracks.
"Oh! Red told you I'd be ba-."
"What's on your neck?!"
   Dark choco took his sword out of the side of his belt before holding it up close to him using the sword as a mirror. He then tensed up realizing he didn't cover up the hickey on his neck.
"Oh don't worry Red I accidentally tripped and got banged up on the forest floor I'll be ok.!"
"Sure... ok... I thought I told you not to do anything crazy?"
"It can't be crazy if it was an accident!"
   Dark choco rolled his eyes playfully as he walked past red velvet now covering the "bruise" with his hand before getting into the new carriage.
   After a long while of waiting Carmel Arrow, red velvet, and Affogato all finally got into the carriage with Dark choco and were off back to the Dark Cacao Empire. Dark choco didn't quite pay attention to his friends though he was lost in his own thoughts day dreaming about his new boyfriend. Meanwhile Red velvet studied his expressions further and began to feel angered.
He has that same face again... He always has that look when that Madeleine dude does something. And now he has a bruise on his neck! I swear if that man hurt hi-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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