~Chapter 9: Confessions...?~

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All still stood silent around Dark choco. Everyone now realized he was just as confused as the others. Then Affogato spoke with slight hesitation.
"Well my prince your intense feelings seemed to have activated your soul jam fragment..."
Dark choco then looked to Affogato with suspicion. He then grabbed Affogato by the collar and whisper yelled.
"You....go to my room now! We have a lot to talk about..."
Dark choco glared at Affogato as he quickly stumbled off. Dark choco then turned to the others dusting off his armor.
"You all my do as you please. Just stay away from my room for a while so I may....process what happened....alright?"
The three didn't respond and only nodded their heads as they scattered, going off to help clean up the events left overs. Meanwhile Dark choco stomped angrily back up to his room and slammed the door open where Affogato was waiting in slight fear. Dark choco then slammed the door back behind him making Affogato jump at the loud noise. He once again some how found the courage to speak up.
"My prince may I ask what all of this is about?!"
Dark choco then got close to Affogato and crossed his arms looking down at him.
"You're going to tell me everything you know."
"What do you mean?!"
"Explain with the truth everything that's happened in my life up to this point....starting with that damned party that started the war..."
".....Dark choco I've told you that story over a thousand times there is no lie-"
Dark choco slammed his hand down on the table next to him causing Affogato to jump again as stuff on the desk fell over.
"you're such a damn snake Affogato....you know all the lies you've put on me"
".....I don't know where this disrespect came from Dark choco but I basically raised you while you're father fought in the war so since when have I been a lier to you-"
"Since I found my birthmark was in fact a scar from the party...."
Affogato's eyes suddenly widen as he stood back. While Dark choco simply crossed his arms again staring with a dead serious glare.
"You don't know what you're talking about..."
"The night the war started everything fell apart, as me and you were fleeing to safety I got myself injured trying to protect you from being killed....and since then my father was told you everything...and you've kept it all under lock and key....swearing you would never tell..."
Affogato fell to silence as his arms dropped to his sides in defeat. To which Dark choco relaxed but still stood his ground. Affogato then sighed as a single tear drop fell.
"Dark choco.....how on earth bread did you find out....."
dark choco then felt a cold aura around him as he spoke again.
"I have my ways Affogato...."
"Well....if you know all this truth now what could you possibly want from me?"
"How can I fix this war Affogato? Cause I know damn well marrying a princess isn't going to do it....."
Affogato covered his face as he walked to the door and unlocked it. Dark choco was about to grab him again but Affogato put a hand out.
"Stay here....I'll be right back...."
With that being said Affogato left the room without a fight. Dark choco only stood there confused and still angered. However Affogato did stick to his word and came back with a large purple journal.
"Here...you want honest right? This is my journal that I've been writing in since I first arrived at cacao empire...since you were born...now I don't know everything as you suggest I was only told secrets up to now with your soul jam...so once I'm done helping you train with your soul jam I'm useless...."
Dark choco lightly took the journal from Affogato and looked at him with sympathy. Affogato only turned to leave again but Dark choco stopped him one last time.
"Thank you Affogato....and I'm sorry for my words I was to angry to comprehend my feelings..."
"....no need kiddo....it's quite alright"
Affogato then quickly left closing the door gently but firmly. Dark choco almost immediately looked back down at the large journal. He knew it would take more than a diary to get the answers he wanted however. Still he wasted no time sitting down on his bed and starting to look though it. However he couldn't help but be distracted by the time scared it will fly by but he didn't stop trying to read it until 11:30. To which he shut it and placed it in the side table alongside the strange gift from the start of the day. He looked at it and couldn't help but be curious. So he took the necklace and placed it around his neck then went on to get ready once again for a afternoon of fun. This time however he wasn't going to ask for help from Carmel arrow he now thought it was to risky. As he finished getting ready he looked out the door to see if anyone was around and when it seemed all empty he rushed out his room and to the place where he snuck out completely yesterday. To which he looked around one final time before making his way into the forest again.
After the rather time consuming walk Dark choco made it to the same place from last night however when he noticed Madeleine this time he calmly walked to him so he didn't startle him again.
"Hello again Madeleine! How was your day?"
Madeleine smiled and sighed seeing Dark choco but sat down and responded.
"Well to say the least it was rather boring and irritating..."
"Oh? How so"
Dark choco tilted his head curious sitting down next to Madeleine. Neither of them noticed at first that fire flys had awoken tonight and were now dancing around one another.
"Well to start off I had slept in yet again so I got a scolding from my mother. Then our poor overworked maid spilt our breakfast right by the table, of course it was the doing of my younger brother....but yea overall it was all chaos even though I had nothing to do that day.."
"Hm, seems so...but may I ask about this step brother of yours? I didn't think you'd be the type with siblings..."
"Yea....I'm actually the oldest of four siblings. The youngest is my sister angel, then custard the second youngest and then....my other brother who...I haven't seen in years but he's the second oldest...."
"You don't know one of your siblings?"
"Not quite...back when the war started I got separated from him in a fearful crowd...losing him forever I believe...."
Dark choco looked at him with pity and placed a hand on his shoulder. To which Madeleine looked back at him with a bit of sorrow.
"I'm really sorry that happened to you...I can't even imagine how that must feel.....since I myself don't have siblings...."
"It's quite alright....it's practically ancient history now but besides my life how was your day?"
"Heh, don't even get me started...."
Both of them giggled and fell completely onto the grass. However Madeleine was really curious to know so he continued to bug him asking about his day to which Dark choco finally gave in.
"Well if you must know to put it in a summary I discovered a whole new power within me, was given a strange locket, ended up beating up the hollyberry princess, and lost almost all trust in my advisor...."
"Damn....seems like you were given hell today.."
"Yea....it really sucked...."
"Well since we're already here if you would like to vent about it I'm all ears.!"
Madeleine gave Dark choco a bit grin which Dark choco returned as he rolled his eyes. He then went onto explain the events that happened with great detail of course leaving the part with Affogato out not wanting to concern Madeleine with it....And soon enough he finally finished and Madeleine looked at him with slightly widened eyes but snapped back speaking up.
"Well if it makes you feel better...Just the fact you had so much control over the soul jam in that moment of anger shows how powerful you truly are....and that little locker you got...well surprise...I got a blue berry bird to sneak it to you...."
This made Dark choco blush and sit up, Madeleine following behind. Madeleine smiled again and chuckled as he put hand on Dark choco's necklace then revealing the locket and feeling around it. Dark choco only followed Madeleine with his eyes slightly mesmerized. Then Madeleine spoke.
"Though it's not much for a gift I figured it would small enough to not be seen as missing from my family jewelry....we do have quite a lot of it....and no matter the size of our jewelry it's all very valuable..."
"Oh! Gosh Madeleine I mean if it's so valuable why would you give it to someone like me...?"
"I figured you'd find a good use for it....plus it's makes your eyes pop....in a good way obviously..."
"Pffft, how so?"
"Well.....maybe it's just because of the small golden details but it truly does make you look amazing and somehow it fits with your attire...A talent I could only wish to possess..."
Dark choco felt his face turn red not used to the attention let alone the compliments. So out of embarrassment he ended up giggling and turning his head to the side covering his face. Madeleine tilted his head confused.
"You really have a way with words don't you...? You should know I'm really nothing special..! Really....you don't have to be so nice to me..."
This made Madeleine look with pity then grew close to Dark choco moving the hair out of his face.
"I must ask now...why do you think so lowly of yourself? To me you are rather special so I don't quite understand...."
This brought more panic into Dark choco as he began to stumble over his words trying to give a response but only sighed in defeat as he stood up.
"I- I'm sorry Madeleine I can't answer that question right now....but I do appreciate the words and your gift....but I think I should be going now-."
Dark choco refused to look at Madeleines face in fear he'll be angry and began to walk off. However Madeleine grabbed his arm lightly stopping him. This made Dark choco slowly look back he was not expecting to be met with a kiss on the cheek. This made his eyes widen as he turned completely red and looked Madeleine in the face. Madeleine looked very red as well with surprisingly a lot more embarrassment. He had also let go of Dark choco's arm while they both stood speechless. Until Madeleine spoke up while speed walking away.
"I- I'll see you tomorrow! Good night Dark choco!"
After that Madeleine had rushed back into the border and ran off. Leaving Dark choco completely speechless. However it was soon stopped when Dark choco lightly rose his hand to his cheek and smiled brightly. Then whispered to himself walking off.
"yea....see you tomorrow...."
Madeleine rushed into his room and face planted on his bed excitedly. He then kicked his feet in the air as he hugged his pillow tightly. He overall was very happy and giggly. Until a knock was placed on his door to which he shot up and threw the pillow back.
"Come in!"
A purpled haired lady then walked into the room with a strange stare. Madeleine sighed in relief however seeing her.
"Pastry....thank the divine it's just you...."
"Sorry for disturbing you your highness I just noticed you had rushed to your room...I couldn't help but ask if you had left for a midnight snack?"
"Ah! Yes it was nothing really I simply was not tired and got myself something to help me sleep...I assure you I'm quite alright!"
"Alright I shall leave you to it then your highness....goodnight"
Pastry then left the room closing the door behind her. Madeleine then plopped back down on his bed and lied down sighing.
"Well that was a mood killer....but I guess it's better then getting caught...."
Madeleine then grew comfortable on his bed slowly drifting to sleep. He couldn't wait to see Dark choco again tomorrow.....

~Authors note~
First of all....happy Fourth of July! And secondly I hope you enjoyed this chapter-! I got no new news besides the fact I'm going to see the new minions movie later this week lol so bye for now.!

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