~Chapter 10: Word Vomit~

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Once again the sun found its way though the window and Dark choco was still out cold from yesterdays exhausting events. Of course this does not stop the usual routine within the kingdom.
*knock knock*
"My prince it's time to wake up..!"
Dark choco groaned as he sat up and stretched out. Then his door opened quickly to reveal Carmel Arrow at the door today.
"Hm, no wonder the knocking scared me this time....may I ask why you've woken me up today and not Affogato?"
"Well my prince he said he didn't feel very well today and if he is sick we wouldn't want him being near you for health reasons."
"Is that so? Well what's todays schedule Carmel arrow, any more crazy events..."
"Not at all! After you have breakfast with the other royals you may do what you like today."
Dark choco tilted his head a bit confused.
"That's all?"
Then Carmel arrow left the room and closed the door behind her. Dark choco took a moment to think about it, now planing out what he would do with his free time. Soon enough however he found himself leaving the dinning table saying his farewells while he gets a average death stare from princess. As he walked though the halls he'd started mumbling to himself putting his schedule in place. A small trait he inherited from his father. He had decided he would read though most of the journal, study in the library, and finally end the day off with some training before confronting Madeleine yet again. It seemed so perfect. So Dark choco went back to his room and began to analyze the journal yet again shocking himself more and more finding out things about Affogato. However he will not confront Affogato about it again until he has completed reading and getting his facts straight. The hours went slowly as Dark choco read though the pages piecing together more and more things about everything in the kingdom he's ever known. He then remembers he needs to keep calm and stay calm with this information because it is only one perspective of the story.
Dark choco yawned as he closed the book. Though it only took him about two hours to completely read the journal it also wore him out a bit. As he put the journal away and stretched he got a knock on the door. To which he opened the door himself to see red velvet.
"Oh hello red...what brings you here?"
"Well- to be honest my prince i um..."
Dark choco raised a brow and leaned on the door frame suspicious.
"I got bored and wanted to hang out with you...I'm sorry.."
Red velvet soon confessed. This made Dark choco giggle as he left the room and closed the door. Leaving Red velvet confused until he spoke.
"Well you came perfect timing then. I was about to head to the library to study and such. I could use a study buddy since Affogato is said to be out sick. So...Care to join me?"
"Of course! That'd be lovely...my prince"
Dark choco then hummed satisfied taking Red velvets hand leading him to the library. The two then began their fun. Dark choco began grabbing books about the hollyberrian history as well as first hand account books from the start of the war. Red velvet on the other hand couldn't but grab some short story fantasy book along with some short horror stories.
The two then began to read after they grabbed their books making sure to poke fun at one another for their strange choices.
"Seriously red? Horror stories....aren't you a bit old for that kinda stuff?"
"Well....aren't you a bit young to be reading history books? I am also sure it's a lot worse to be reading about cookies from the past dying and horrible ways as well as the dark history worse then any horror story!"
"Oh please half of your little horror story's are based off of real history! It's just dumbed down to scare kids.."
"Really?! Name one thing history wise based story on this table right now!"
Red velvet feeling challenged placed each horror story he had chosen in front of Dark choco and crossed his arms. Dark choco in bothered lightly pushed his books to the side and began to easily point out the details in each story. Leaving red velvet dumbfounded and defeated.
"Ugh....I hate how smart you are sometimes! you're always able to prove me wrong... it's almost degrading..."
"Pfft, Red if I was trying to degrade you I would doing a lot worse then saying simple facts..."
Dark choco laughed rather loudly as Red velvet put his head down covering his face with his hair. Soon though they finally stopped getting side tracked and began their "studies". Then as time once again grew slow for the two red velvet found himself looking over Dark choco's shoulder reading along with Dark choco. This of course didn't go unnoticed and Dark choco shifted himself to where him and red velvet could both read the book. Soon enough the library's bell chimed and their studies came to an end. They both got up and began to put up the mess of books they made however while they did so Dark choco noticed from the corner of his eye an odd section of the library. He must have been staring for a good minute because Red velvet tapped him on the shoulder and startled him.
"Red! You scared me...."
"I'm sorry my prince but um...I couldn't help but notice you staring at the restricted section.."
"Yes...my apologies for that....however I must know what's in there....in our restricted library it held some of the darkest secrets of the Cacao kingdom....surly it's the same here..."
Dark choco then placed his last book back and walked towards the locked off section and placed his hand on a bar. Then he was suddenly stopped again by Red velvet.
"Well my prince if that is the case it would bring us no good to snoop around in places we have no authority to..!"
Red velvet was obviously concerned while speaking to Dark choco but he paid no mind to him as his curiosity grew more. However he was snapped out of his thoughts when red suddenly stopped talking and heard a loud cough. Dark choco turned his head to see none other then Queen HollyBerry staring at the two with a rather terrifying grin. The two boys immediately kneeled down thinking they were in trouble.
"Oh there's no need for that my dears! I just couldn't help but over hear your little conversation!"
This made Red velvet basically go white as he stood up in fear while Dark choco seemed unfazed and spoke up.
"Is that so? Does that mean we are in some kind of trouble?"
"Oh no no no! Not at all it's actually fairly common for folks to wonder what's in our restricted areas....and I can assure you two boys it's nothing more than some boring political papers you'd have no interest in!"
HollyBerry laughed as she explained what was behind those bars. This seemed to satisfy Red velvet and he calmed down. However once again Dark choco was unfazed and had a strange feeling.
"Well I hate to seem rude Queen HollyBerry but I myself am quite interested in such things..! I try my best to learn about all factors of great empires. To see how each empire manages to flourish in such hard times! It's all truly impressive and interesting..."
Dark choco began lying though his teeth. Though he was interested in history, he did not care for political matters. That was always Affogato's thing to Dark choco. HollyBerry was caught off guard by his lie however and pulled out a small rusted golden key and began to mess with it.
"Listen here friend as much as I appreciate your compliments to my empire I must insist you stay away from the restricted library for now on alright? Young boys like yourself shouldn't be wrapping themselves up in things they don't know about....I'm sure you understand?"
HollyBerry suddenly got a more serious tone as she spoke her warning. This made both boys uneasy as they silently nodded and quickly left the library. As soon as the two were out of HollyBerrys sight Dark choco quickly grabbed Red velvets hand and rushed off into the gardens hiding behind one of the tall bushes.
"My prince that was-."
"We need to get into that section..."
"But Dark choco she said-!"
"She's lying...it's very obvious....if what she said was true about the restricted section was true she would have let us in immediately at my words....but she didn't instead she basically threatened us to stay away....that means I was right..."
"Oh Dark choco.....even if you are right we have no way to get in...I'm sure that key she was messing with would be our only shot! But we can't possibly slip it away from her!"
"....that's where you're wrong Red velvet all I need to do is make a plan....and change my schedule....damn it...!"
Dark choco began to bite his nail as he began to think of a plan. That was before Red velvet dragged him out from the bush and sat him down on a bench.
"Dark choco! What is up with you..! Why have you suddenly become so nosy?!...Ugh I'm so worried about you Dark choco...Again you've been completely changing since we got here. You've gotten angrier, you've been lying about so many things....I just...I wanna know what's going on....I wanna help you with whatever's bugging you and I'm not going to let you push me away again..."
Dark choco suddenly felt a lump in his throat. He didn't think this was the right time or place to tell Red velvet what was going on....he didn't think he should tell him at all....Dark choco couldn't tell him....or anybody. It needs to be kept a secret.... Dark choco didn't even realized he had started shaking until Red velvet lightly took his hand and got down on one knee.
"Please...? If it's bothering you this bad I can keep it between us... I'm great at keeping secrets....you know that..."
Red velvet tried his best to calm Dark choco who was still breathing heavy.....Was he telling the truth?.....He has always stuck to his word in the past.....but it's different now this information is life changing.....surly Red velvet would tell...I'll just say another lie to get out of it.....However as Dark choco finally opened his mouth to speak he felt it....word vomit...
"Everything is bothering me red! All of it! I found out my whole life has been a lie since I got here-!"
Dark choco couldn't hold it in anymore he told Red velvet almost everything. About white Lilly, Affogato, his father, the Marriage, his past, the scar, the party, the lies. He told him about everything except Madeleine....out of his whole rant he couldn't seem to drag Madeleine under the bus...it wouldn't be right in his eyes... Finally Dark choco began to calm down coming to the end of his rant...
"And I really thought it would be better if I kept it a secret from you....but I can't even do that...I'm truly pitiful..."
Dark choco spoke with venom in his last words before he completely collapsed onto Red velvet. Thinking that it would be the last thing he'd do before ruining everything.....But instead of a smack to the face or being completely rejected of contact....he felt a light hug and a large hand going though his hair. This made Dark choco start crying as he hugged back tightly before speaking with his voice completely broken.
"You're not mad...?"
"I could never be mad at you...I only wish you'd tell me sooner...I will make sure to help you any way I can....my prince..."

~Authors note~
Ello I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I also apologize for uploading late I've been very busy lately and I've got some writers block other than though that there's no news and I'll be trying my best to get back on track.!

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