~Chapter 8: Transformation~

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As I stormed away I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for talking like that to Carmel arrow. Still there's no way I'm turning back now. I'll save myself that embarrassment....
"HUH? Who's there! Show yourself-!"
Crunchy chip yelled towards the noise. Then the pink haired boy from the first round popped his head up rather embarrassed.
"My apologies....I'm not here to cause trouble I was simply passing by..."
The pink boy then began walk off again still embarrassed but crunchy chip still stood suspicious and suddenly spoke again.
"No no don't apologize....you're wild-berry right? You put up one hell of a fight back there.."
"Ah....not really I wasn't focused on the fight at all, if I hadn't let my mind wonder I could have done much better and maybe manage to dodge a few of those hits...."
"Hm, i guess but even then you sure scared the shit out of my team....ONLY FOR A SECOND THOUGH-!"
Crunchy chip realized what he said and tried to catch himself only making things more awkward between the two or so he thought. His sudden panic caused Wild-berry to chuckle a bit as he began to walk off yet again while crunchy stood confused and embarrassed.
"It would be nice to continue this more but I have to go cheer for my teammates...I see you later crunchy chip."
Wild-berry smiled as he disappeared from Crunchy's vision.
"What the fu-"
Crunchy couldn't finish his sentence before the horn blew loudly. He started to panic again as he raced back towards him and the cacao empires tent.
Crunchy huffed and puffed as he stood in front of the tent again catching the others attention.
"What did I miss...?"
Crunchy spoke between breaths. The others giggled at him a bit besides Red velvet who was getting his cookie arm wrapped in a bandage while his cake arm swung freely. Before crunchy could say anything about though Carmel arrow spoke up.
"Well I hate to be the bringer of bad news but you missed two whole rounds because of your tantrum."
"WHAT?! damn it....I didn't mean to miss it I didn't realize time would have passed to quick..."
"Yea...It's ok though cause we're still in the lead! Affogato won his round....shocker...and red velvet unfortunately.....lost..."
Carmel said the last part more quiet out of pity and respect. This made crunchy raise a brow as he quickly shot a small look to red velvet who was now clearly bummed out as he leaned back.
"Carmel....may i ask what happened during Red velvet round..."
" yea....as soon as the horn blew the knight cookie guy immediately swung catching red off guard so he leaned back and somehow he managed to get a good grip on reds arm it seemed he had broken it at first glance and then the dude just slung him right back onto the ground really hurting red...and even though he was down and groaning already as soon as red tried to get himself up the dude kicked square in the jaw getting blood and almost knocking him out....so the dude blew the horn called the round off and the knight cookie just walked off AND!- he spat on the ground next to red as he left! Talk about a total jerk right?"
Crunchy chip's jaw slightly dropped at the story and nodded in agreement with Carmel Arrow.
"Christ....ya that itself is just disrespectful...there was no need for all that....oh...and what about Affogato? How the hell did he win?"
"I know right?! Affogato had a battle versus princess tiger Lilly?! Can you believe he won against a princess! But basically as they were fighting there weapons clashed together and tiger Lilly said something to him and he nodded and then she just fell backwards as affogato slightly pushed her, hit the ground, and began holding her ankle saying she got it twisted and that he won! Like talk about rigged."
Crunchy nodded again. That was very strange especially from a event like this. Then crunchy chip came to a quick conclusion.
"Perhaps it was out of pity? Since it happened after red velvets round they might have felt bad and let us have the win as a sorry?"
"Hm, I guess so...kinda makes me fell like shit though knowing it wasn't a fair fight."
The two both agreed on the conclusion and walked over to red velvet and Dark choco who was still treating red velvets arm. Until he looked over at the two other cookies.
"Oh hey you two! Ok crunchy I checked the board thingy and crunchy you're up next so get pumped up cause you're up against someone named pomegranate cookie and don't worry about Affogato he quickly went to grab us all drinks!"
Carmel arrow and crunchy nodded again before going their separate way before the match starts. Meanwhile with Dark choco and red velvet Dark choco waited til the others were out of eye sight before pinching red velvet causing him to yelp.
"Ow! My prince wha-?"
"Would you stop pouting! I don't want you getting caught up over some dumb fight!"
The horn blew again but Dark choco completely ignored and continued talking. Then crunchy chip passed by to which he stopped for a moment and wished him luck but shot right back.
"Now you and I both know what that- THING! Did was a complete foul and should have been against the rules. He has no respect for duels whatsoever so don't you dare let that get to you and....a small secret between you and me...I myself am going to talk to that punk later and I'll give him a piece of my mind...."
Dark choco finished off giving red velvet a irritated but supportive look. This made red velvet gain an unexpected grin and laugh.
"My prince...heh...I wasn't pouting about the fight....I was disappointed that I couldn't get our team a extra point.....and I feared I made our people look weak in front of these....strangers..."
Dark choco felt taken back as he stared blankly at red before blushing embarrassed and rolling his eyes before running his fingers though red velvet hair before changing the topic.
"Oh what am I going to do with you red....you're much to incredible for this world.."
"Pfft, I'm not that great Dark choco...but thank you for worrying about me...you seem to be one of the few who do that so....you're also quite amazing in my eyes...."
The two fell into a comfortable silence. Red velvet even leaned into Dark choco touch his tail slightly wagging. Then however the horn blew again showing the match was finished. They both slightly jumped and looked to see the results crunchy chip stood victorious as he offer to help the fallen cookie up to which she happily complied slightly embarrassed. It made Dark choco smile seeing crunchy chip led her over to the medic. Until the person with the horn spoke.
"So in conclusion for all the rounds the cacao empire is still in the lead with a solid 3 to 1 lead so even if the hollyberrians manage to win the finale round it would not change the score so we are leaving the decision to our final round contestants if they want to duel or not! So may the two contestants come over here so we may discuss!"
This caused Dark choco to groan as he got up giving one last pat on the head to red velvet before heading up to the man. He also noticed a irritated princess also storming up. As she stood across from Dark choco she slightly glared but then the man with the horn leaned down and spoke in a more normal voice tone.
"Well my lords what would you like to do? You wanna duel or keep the scores how they are now?"
Before Dark choco could began princess spoke up with a more disrespectful manner.
"We will not be fighting...I'm to tired for this shit...."
"Um....I hate to disagree princess but I think it would be fun to duel for a few minutes...just for some fun..."
Princess scoffed as she threw her hands up more irritated.
"Fine...we can to the stupid duel I'm not even gonna fight about it...but know I'm gonna kick your ass now that I have the chance!"
The horn man stood up awkwardly and lightly blew the horn gaining attention again. He then coughed before he spoke.
"The royals have come to a agreement to continue the event and spar for the final round!"
This made most of the crowd cheer while a small portion booed clearing tired. Dark choco slightly smiled at decision but noticed princess already walked off and was getting prepared. Dark choco also couldn't help but feel threatened by princesses words and manner. It seemed it was going to be a very brutal round. As Dark choco rushed back over to the tent to get ready his ally's immediately confronted him. To which red velvet spoke first.
"My prince are you serious about this?! You're really gonna fight her-?! We already won so I don't quite see the point-?"
Affogato budded in with a drink in hand ready for Dark choco.
"Here you go my prince a drink and I'm really glad you chose to continue with the event! Ahhh! How exciting-!"
Dark choco laughed at Affogato's words and then Carmel arrow jumped in now a crowd being around Dark choco.
"My prince oh my gosh! I can't wait to see you go at her! I really hope you don't hold back on this fight!"
Carmel arrow said before she was pushed to the side by crunchy chip who also spoke up.
"I agree with Carmel arrow! This fight is gonna be a big deal! Even without the points this basically a battle of honor!"
Dark choco finally hushed them all as he laughed and took the drink from affogato. He also managed to sit them all down before speaking.
"Ok so I see we all have our different opinions on the fight. So I'll keep it simple I continued the event only because I wanted to beat up princess plus get training in while doing so!"
Dark choco laughed as he walked around now preparing for the fight. He didn't even see the mixed looks from the four sitting down still. Then red velvet got up blocking Dark choco's path.
"My prince if you are only fighting princess for the sake of training and anger I insist we spar together instead and call off the event! I could be a much better punching bag for the sake of training....plus I don't mind if you take your anger out on me...."
Red velvet whispered the last part as he tried to get Dark choco to call off the fight. Dark choco looked at him with a rather puzzled look but as Dark choco opened his mouth to respond the horn blew.
"It is now time for our final round may the two royals come out and ready themself on the battle field!"
The announcer had spoken. Dark choco only then panicked and quickly gave Red velvet a sympathetic look before rushed off. Red velvet put his hand out as if reaching to pull Dark choco back but only let his hand fall back to his side along with a disappointed sigh. Affogato then came up behind red velvet and patted him on the shoulder.
"You tried kiddo. You just keep missing that shot"
"Ugh! Affogato!"
"WHAT- I'm just saying you keep shooting your shot at him but he's just to much of a dork and your flirts and concerns just fly right over his head!"
"Oh my god I can't deal with you right now! Let's just see how this round gos!"
Red velvet pushed Affogato's arm off his shoulder and walked a bit closer to the battle field. While Affogato and the others only giggled at Red velvets embarrassment. Meanwhile Dark choco drew his sword at as he stared down at princess who's across the field. Both of them waiting for the horn to start the match......Dark choco took the moment to see who all was watching. While doing so he noticed that even queen hollyberry was watching. This made Dark choco's breathing become more heavy but he quickly shook it off now looking back to princess examining her every move. She had a very stiff movement as she fidgeted with her long sword showing her true nervousness. Dark choco could now tell even from a mile away that she hasn't actually had any combat experience. Then the horn blew. They both immediately went to lunge at each-other their weapons colliding. Dark choco then stuck his leg out quickly side swiping her legs off the ground causing her to tumble over. To which Dark choco tried to take the chance swing at her face but Princess recovered to quick jumping back up on her feet and kicking Dark choco in the stomach knocking him down. Both weapons collided again but princess stood over dark choco pushing down with her sword while Dark choco was on the ground pushing up trying to get his back off the ground and back on his feet. Which he was succeeding at until prince put her foot on his belt right on the soul jam fragment. This caused Dark choco to lean back down in slightly pain and concern. Then princess grinned and spoke.
"What wrong Dark choco? Afraid?"
"Not at.....all! I haven't even broke sweat yet..."
"Hm, I care to disagree....geez I wonder how fragile this little fragment of yours is....how much pressure will it take to shatter it!"
Dark choco's eyes widen realizing her intentions. Which princess responded with a more evil smile. Meanwhile on the sidelines the cacao cookies had also noticed princess intentions and were now right at the edge of the battle field ready to jump the fencing if anything happened. They were also holding back red velvet who was already trying to jump the fence and stop the fight. However Princess only continued to tease and humiliate Dark choco as he grew more furious.
"Let me guess you're nothing without your fathers soul jam fragment! You're just some socially awkward royal brat without it?!"
"Would you just SHUT UP?!"
Dark choco yelled in anger as the fragment began to shine and grew warmer. This caused princess to flinch and take her foot off the fragment still trying to hold her ground.
As Dark choco yelled the soul jam grew brighter and brighter soon it casting a almost hallucination like form over Dark choco. This fear into the bystanders as the tension grew thick and they felt weak against this strange tension. Affogato on the other stood completely shocked.
"Oh no....he's activated his fragment....this might end up bloody...."
Affogato had spoke. Red velvet who had also stopped fighting back looked over to Affogato with a nervous sweat falling down his cheek. Then Red velvet turned back to look at the shocking scene and only hoped Dark choco could keep it together. Meanwhile princess and Dark choco's spots have now altered princess being covered with dirt on the ground fighting against the new weight with all her strength.
"AND SINCE I WENT AGINST MY FATHERS WISHES I ENDED UP Saving his life...!....and that's how I ended up worthy...."
Dark choco's voice had relaxed but his feelings did not he was still letting out the pent op anger inside him. Princess was almost in tears feeling her strength give out.
"So you have no right to tease and treat me like I've never learned anything in life....like I'm just some spoiled prince.....I'm not..."
Princess strength suddenly caved and Dark choco gripped her sword tossing it to the side then placing his own sword on her neck.
"Give up princess....I'm not allowing to win this match.... So go on and surrender..."
"I.....I surrender....Dark choco wins..."
With that being said the light on the fragment finally calmed down to a normal state and Dark choco looked normal again only now with a dead stare. Also with her words the horn blew nervously again and the horn man spoke.
"The final round is finished! The Dark Cacao empire....WINS!"
Then the cheering began. It was so loud the ground was practically shaking most of the bystanders thought that Dark choco used a secret move on princess to win the match. Everyone was clueless that it was the first time Dark choco did such a thing. With all the cheering around Dark choco finally drew his sword back and walked off the field looking at no one. When he hopped the fence back to his area the others all stood silent around him until Dark choco looked up with a unexpected look and spoke.
"What the fuck just happened?"

~Authors Note~
Hello everyone just a quick thought I had I think I'm going to update the chapters names giving them a more unique name so they look cooler lol. Besides that I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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