~Chapter 12: Childish Rivalry~

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Even though Dark choco just introduced the two there seemed to already be a odd tension between them. However Madeleine decided to take the lead and stuck out his hand towards Red velvet.
"Well...it's a pleasure to meet you Red velvet.."
Red velvet cautiously took Madeleines hand and shook it.
"Nice to meet you to....Madeleine"
Dark choco smiled brightly seeing the two "getting along". Then he clapped his hand together getting the two boys attention.
"Well now that you two are introduced what should we do? We have til sunrise after all!"
Red velvet shifted a bit in his spot trying to think of a good idea. However he didn't get the chance cause Madeleine had already spoke up.
"Well my dear Dark choco perhaps we could play some ice breaker games? I still have so many things I want to know about you"
Madeleine suggested as he lightly took Dark choco's hand smirking at him. Red velvet cringed internally at the flirting Madeleine was doing. However Dark choco seemed almost obvious to it smiling back with a short laugh.
"I'm sure we could do that! It could also be better for you and red to bond a bit! So how about two truths and a lie?"
Madeleine and Red velvet both side eyed each other but did nod in agreement to the game. Soon enough the three boy sat in circle as Dark choco explained how the game worked. Even though the two others already knew who to play they simply didn't want to ruin Dark choco's mood.
"Alright so now that you both know who it works I'll go first to set an example! So let's see....ok my favorite color is black, I've only owned one pet....anddd I've met a famous fashion designer!"
Red velvet couldn't help but laugh a bit at Dark choco's words. It almost seemed to easy to him. Madeleine on the other hand was rather shocked and was thinking of an answer. Then he spoke up.
"I think the second one is the lie..."
Red velvet slightly smirked and spoke next.
"The first one is the lie!"
"Are those your final answers?"
Red velvet and Madeleine nodded. Then Dark choco smiled and pointed at Red velvet.
"Red velvet is correct my favorite color is actually Red..!"
"Ohhh, wait so you've really ever had one pet in your life?"
"Yup! I'm surprised you didn't think the third opinion was false"
"Well you are a prince so I figured that you've met many famous people just like me!"
Madeleine and Dark choco laughed a bit and then Dark choco turned back to red velvet signaling it was his turn.
"Alright....I guess it's my turn...um...I know 3 different languages.....I'm Dark choco's personal bodyguard, and....Dark choco saved my life when we were kids...."
Red velvet slightly glared at Madeleine saying the last two facts. Madeleine returned the glare and then rolled his eyes at him seemingly unbothered. Meanwhile Dark choco was a bit concerned for Red velvet. Then Madeleine spoke up.
"I can surly assume the first option is the lie..."
"I agree with Madeleine the first option..."
Red velvet then nodded and spoke up again with a irritated tone.
"Well you're both correct...I only know 2 different languages....anyways since you both got it right how do we know who's next?"
"Well I think Madeleine should go next since he hasn't done his turn yet."
"Why thank you Choco~ now let me think hmmm.....Ah! I was raised by four lovely women, I'm the second in line to be the Vanilla King, and I have 2 siblings"
Madeleine spoke proudly and turned to Dark choco with light smile then turned turned his eyes to Red velvet giving a almost evil smile and look. Red Velvet felt a sudden wave Jealousy and anger again. This guy was really getting on Red velvets nerves but as he looked over to see how happy Dark choco was he couldn't help but suddenly feel defeated and sighed as he spoke.
"I think the first one is a lie....."
"Hmmm, and I think the second one is a lie!"
Madeleine then smiled again at Dark choco and lightly took his hand again getting closer to him.
"It seems choco is right! I'm actually next to inherit the throne since I'm the eldest son~!"
Red Velvet rolled his eyes and also got closer to Dark choco placing his cake arm around his waist pulling him close then smirking.
"You were really raised by four women? It really sounds like an exaggeration to me."
Dark choco leaned into Red velvet and looked over at Madeleine also curious but still unaware of the tension between the two. Now it was Madeleines turn to feel Defeated.
"Well unfortunately for you it is no exaggeration I was raised by my three auntie and my dear mother!"
"Tch, I think I can tell now..."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"
Red Velvet and Madeleine had seemed to start a playful almost child like augment to Dark choco which make him laugh. However Dark choco turned his head towards the horizon to see it was almost sun rise. Which caused him to leave red velvets grasp and get up brushing the grass off his outfit. This also caught the other two boy attention as they also noticed the sky beginning to brighten.
"Well I hate to interrupt y'all's silly argument but it seems our time is about up..."
"So it seems...."
Madeleine sighed and then lightly took Dark choco hand then leaned close to Dark choco's ear whispering to him.
"Dark choco could I speak with you privately before you leave?"
"Oh...of course...."
Dark choco whispered back then looked over to a concerned Red velvet. He then brushed Madeleine off him and walked over to Red velvet taking his hands.
"Red could you wait for me over by the forest really quick I wish to have a private talk with Madeleine for a minute."
"Why must it be private? You know I'm not going to say anything...."
"Oh, Red it's nothing related to that I just want to talk to Madeleine alone for a minute surly you understand that..?"
".....yes I do....I shall go wait then...please be quick though...."
Red velvet sighed as he walked away to the near by forest then leaning on a tree facing away the two princes.
"Ok what is it you wanted to talk about Madeleine.?"
"I- I want to discuss what happened last night....you know....the kiss..."
"Oh...what about it..."
Dark choco then looked away turning completely red. To which Madeleine gave a soft smile then took Dark choco's hand with one hand and placed the other on his face lightly turning it towards him causing Dark choco's heart to start racing as he still tried to avoid eye contact with Madeleine.
"I would like to know how you felt about it..? I mean if it made you uncomfortable-."
Dark choco then suddenly looked him in the eyes and cut him off speaking up.
"Not at all...I thought it was a sweet gesture...I am more worried about what it means...."
"What it means?"
"Yes....was it platonic..?...or something more..."
Dark choco then felt a lump in his throat the confidence he just had draining out of him. He didn't even notice Madeleines face lighting up and turning red.
"Well....what do you want it to be...?"
"I....I don't know...."
The two finally faced each other again both seemingly in a trance. Both knew the answer but both were to afraid to say it. Just as Madeleine was about to speak again and angered voice yelled at the two snapping them both out of the trance.
Dark choco then looked to see the sun rising and suddenly removed himself from Madeleines arms panicked.
"Shoot, I really do have to go! I'm sorry Madeleine I'll see you later!"
Madeleine didn't even get the chance to respond as Dark choco rushed off passing Red velvet going into the forest. Madeleine became pissed off staring daggers into Red velvet who secretly flicked him off before chasing after Dark choco. When they were both out of sight Madeleine stomped his feet on the ground crossing his arms still glaring.
"How childish....No matter if it's a childish rivalry he wants....it's what he'll get....and I will win...."
Madeleine mumbled to himself turning around heading back into the Vanilla kingdom.
Dark choco quickly closed the door as Red velvet entered the room then sighed. Red velvet immediately sat down on the bed and crossed his arms glaring at Dark choco.
"So what we're you two talking about there..?"
Dark choco half laughed locking the door then turning to Red velvet with a small smile.
"Oh you know....prince....things"
"mhm....sure prince things I'm not a idiot Dark choco...."
Dark choco suddenly stopped smiling when he realized Red velvet wasn't joking around. He also noticed Red velvet having his head hung towards the ground and his leg bouncing nervously. Then Dark choco sat down next to Red velvet and placed his hand on his shoulder.
"Red....what's wrong..? Why are you pissed off..?"
"It's nothing really....I just don't quite trust that guy....have you noticed how....flirty...he is with you? It makes me uncomfortable....plus he's  really touchy with you..."
"Red...I know you probably don't want to hear this but you sound....well jealous...."
"JEALOUS?! Oh spare me! I have nothing to be jealous of! I mean what would I be jealous of?! His looks, his flirty little attitude, or maybe the fact that he knows you like him and uses you like a accessory because of it dangling your feelings right over your head!"
Red velvet didn't even realize what he was saying not until he turned to see Dark choco with a hurt look. Red velvet then suddenly shut his mouth and looked away embarrassed. Dark choco then got up and looked right at Red velvet clearly angry now and the soul jam fragment having a dim but noticeable purple glare.
"Take that back...right now...."
".....ok....I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that. I just got angry..."
"Thank you....now....please leave I need to make a plan for getting into that library section..."
Red velvet sighed and nodded in understanding before turning to leave unlocking the door. However just before he left Dark choco spoke.
"One more thing..."
"Yes my prince...?"
"If I find out you told anybody about anything I've told you....I will have you executed immediately understood....?"
"Y-Yes sir...."
"Good....you are free to go now...."
Red velvet quickly left closing the door behind him and left out a few shaky breaths before walking away from Dark choco's room. What am I going to do now? That's what he thought wondering around the palace until he bumped into a familiar face.
"Oh! Shoot sorry Affogato I wasn't paying attention..!"
"Ah...it's no problem Red velvet I wasn't paying attention either!"
"Heh yea...you feeling any better by the way? I heard you were sick awhile ago.?"
Before Affogato could respond someone came up behind him and threw their arm around him speaking loudly.
"Oh yea he's completely fine! He was let out early cause he healed so quickly anyways what's going on with you Red? Saw you sneaking around the library with the prince earlier! Did something happen~?"
Carmel Arrow laughed at her own question. Red velvet place his hand on the back of his neck and frowned. This made Affogato and Carmel Arrows faces drop concerned. Then Affogato spoke.
"What happened Red velvet...?"
"Well....after the library a bunch of things happened but the only important thing that happened was getting threatened to be executed by Dark choco....."
"Oh....so you messed up bad...."
"Yea.....but it was weird....not like the normal Dark choco threats....I hate to say but....he sounded like his father...."
This made Affogato's face drop more looking more panicked. He then coughed catching the other two cookies attention.

~Authors note~
Holy shit- 1k reads?! Thanks so much for this! I'm actually like really excited about this and I'm glad people are enjoying it. So thanks again and hope you enjoy this chapter.

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