~Chapter 5: Secrets~

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As I lied in the bath I felt myself slowly drifting to sleep. Then as I opened my eyes once more I saw a familiar dark and empty place. This was the same place I imagined seeing white Lilly....
"Ah you've finally returned Dark choco...you're starting to make me think you're an insomniac"
"Hello again white Lilly....."
White Lilly lightly hummed a familiar tune as she drew close. She then lightly tapped Dark choco's face.
"Let us begin we're we left off, I'm going to show you the truth that's been sealed away for so many years."
"You're talking crazy is what you are...I know my truth so this is pointless..."
"Sigh, Dark choco I'm very aware of the brainwashing your father has done to you and I know you'll be shocked but I also know that you don't deserve the fate coming your way..."
"......Just exactly how much do you know about me white Lilly....you said it yourself we haven't met for years....."
"Well let me show you"
With that being said she took hold of dark choco's hand and a bright light flashed among the dark. Dark choco had closed his eyes from the blinding light and opened them to see a familiar place. As he looked around white Lilly was nowhere to be seen but as he was wrapping his head around the situation he heard laughing as someone ran right though him. He was a ghost? He pushed the thoughts of what he was to the side as he watched the person that ran though him. It was a little boy with rather long black hair....and the same white stripe as him..... Just then white Lilly appeared again next to Dark choco.
"Well it sure took you minute to realize that's you...and do you notice anything different about yourself...besides the age gap of course..."
With white Lilly's words burning in his ears he took another look at the boy who was indeed him. He couldn't tell any different until the boy turned his face towards them unaware of the future watching him......No birth mark....Just two bright red eyes with out a care in the world.
"Hm...Seems my birth mark was altered in this hallucination...."
"Dark choco....it's not a birth mark...it's a scar just as I said before...."
"It seems I'll need a little more to convince you... So let me remind you of the terrible day you got you're scar....."
White Lilly then once again took Dark choco's hand and they were now transported into a large moving carriage filled with regret. Dark choco looked again to see a slightly older version of him then he saw before. Around four most likely. Dark choco's eyes slightly rose when he noticed what had become of him. The younger him was passed out on a small table blood covering the eye of what Dark choco though his "birth mark" was on but as the struggling nurse in the carriage wiped the blood away it was indeed a large gash over his eye. Dark choco swallowed down his panic and looked around the carriage more to see a much younger version of affogato and his father. Affogato looked around seventeen or eighteen while his father looked mid sixty's. Both however with extreme worry on their faces. Then they started speaking.
"My lord are you alright...?" Affogato started.
"Not at all....My son practically just had his eye torn up....and he won't even remember it..."
".....I'm so sorry my lord....I should have done better keeping watch on him....it's my fault in the end that he's hurt....I truly failed you.."
"Not at all Affogato anything could have happened...with vanilla soldiers as heartless as them it's a miracle both of you made it out of there...."
"....well then what now? The holly berry palace is barely holding on, the people of the golden cheese kingdom have already retreated back to their homes, the vanilla soldiers have gone mad and our prince has been injured badly...."
"I'm not sure....however I do know that this is just the beginning of a terrible war...as soon as we reach our lands again we will prepare for battle immediately and Dark choco...He will be placed under the best protection our kingdom has seen...he can't leave the palace after this...not for a long time...not until I know for a fact that he will be ok...."
"I see....my lord how will this affect the prince in the long run...?...I mean once he's older he will wanna explore and go many dangerous places as boys do...."
".....Simply keep him busy...You will be giving him the highest education with plenty of work and I will train him for hours on end while I'm here....and when I'm not he will continue to train and study....he won't have a moment to think about leaving...."
"Isn't that a bit cruel my lord...?"
"Yes....but it's the best option I have...."
Dark choco stood paralyzed at what he was hearing. All the things he had done and worked hard for was just to keep him away from the world. The world that gave him one scar. Panic came over Dark choco again to the point the still continuing conversation was only buzzing in his ears. He continued to panic as horrible thoughts rolled in and out of his mind until a cold hand was placed on his shoulder. Then he was placed into a hug. He couldn't help it as he melted into the persons arms breaking down. Then the white light appeared again and they were back into the dark place that feels much colder now. Dark choco wiped his puffy eyes as he finally looked at the woman hugging him.
"White Lilly....tell me none of it's true...."
"I'm sorry young prince it is all true...I'm sorry I had to unlock those memories for you to understand..."
"To understand what?! What was the point Lilly?! To get me to hate my father and affogato?!"
"Not at all....to get you to understand things are not all what they seem....you had been told that the night you got your scar was only the start of the war....you hadn't been told how the night affected you all...and even now you don't  know how the war even started in the first place...."
"Of course I do...it started because of pure vanilla cookie....He got into a huge argument with the other ancients over your death...He kept accusing the ancients for the murder saying that a ancient could only kill another ancient because of their soul jams...Soon enough the argument got physical and pure vanilla ordered the Soldiers to rip the kingdom apart....causing....everything that happened that night...."
"......seems like you were told correctly about one thing at least.....however pure vanilla was correct....only one of the other ancients could have killed me and of course I have the displeasure of knowing who it was....."
"......White Lilly if I may ask....how are you talking to me right now? If you're dead how are you here?"
"It's really simple actually....even though I died my soul jam managed to keep me here as a spirit before my soul jam was broken. So with my second chance I will be doing all I can to help end this war along with all the lies with it."
"Is that why you began the rebellion?"
"Yes....now I'm afraid I can't stay much longer but we will talk again soon....now go on and wake up....you wouldn't wanna miss your date!"
"My dat-"
Dark choco shot up from the bath some water spilling out the side. He breathed heavily processing what had happened. As he did so he quickly got out of the bath and began to dress himself looking in the mirror. He looked over the scar on his face lightly feeling over it. A large wave of sadness drew over him as he remembered what white Lilly told him. He felt now as if everything he knew was a lie. After the wave a sadness was over he felt something worse.....betrayal.....Affogato and his father never told him the truth.....it hurt more that Affogato lied to him then his own father. That's because Dark choco had felt closer to Affogato than Dark Cacao. Now he has a good reason why. Dark choco slammed open the door to the restroom startling the three cookies chatting. Dark choco didn't care at the moment he was much to angry. He simply walked past them all and went back to his room. The three cookies however stood stunned.
"He didn't even say hi...." Carmel arrow was the first to speak.
Then Affogato "Oh shut up Carmel Arrow! What has gotten into that boy? He's more Bipolar then ever now..!"
Lastly Red velvet spoke. "hmmm, strange I guess he's still angry about princess cookies actions...."
Affogato turned to red velvet. "What do you mean by that? What did princess do to him?"
"Well Princess ended up being really hard on Dark choco pushing his buttons and he had just snapped. I had saw how princess bruised up his arm from dragging him..."
"Ugh, the nerve of that chick....I understand now I'd still be pissed to if that pink mess dragged me around....."
"Yea same! I think we should gets some petty revenge on her how about it.?"
Red velvet and Affogato both looked at Carmel arrow slightly shocked at her suggestion. Then they all smiled at each other and made their way to a secret room to plan.
Dark choco brushed his hair and put it back in a nice ponytail calming down. He looked out on his balcony again to see the sun almost gone. The air was also a lot colder. He then looked at the large clock in his room.
"Hm, 9:30....I still have time"
Dark choco then sat down at his vanity and began to do his makeup. However before he could even put the blush on he stopped.
".....why am I even getting pretty for this....I'm just meeting with some prince.....?"
Dark choco thought about some more. Then he realized he rarely ever uses makeup unless it's something he thinks is important. The thought made him blush a bit. He had barely known Madeleine and was already getting dolled up for him. Dark choco let out a sigh of defeat as he resumed putting on makeup.
Dark choco finally finished getting ready and was now walking impatiently around his balcony wondering how he would even make it out the palace. Then he got a idea. He stuck his head out his room and noticed Carmel arrow walking down the hallway.
"Pssst! Carmel arrow!"
"Hm? Oh! Dark choc-"
"Shush! Get in here!"
Carmel Arrow quickly and quietly walked into Dark choco's room and closed the door behind her. She then noticed what dark choco was wearing.
"Wow- Dark choco are you going on a date?!"
"No! It's not a date...I'm meeting up with someone important but I need your help to get me out of here so I can meet this person!"
"Ok...but why would you ask me for something like that?! Red velvet is a lot smarter and sneaker then I am..."
Dark choco got in front of Carmel arrow and put a hand on her shoulder before speaking.
"Listen Carmel Arrow I chose you because I figured you could be the only one I could trust in this situation....As much as I appreciate red and affogato they aren't as understanding as you....so can I trust to get me to my destination and not to tell anyone?"
"....of course....what do you need me to do my prince...!"
Carmel arrow smiled and looked up at dark choco with pride. To which Dark choco returned the same prideful look.
"Ok Carmel arrow here's the plan..."

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