Enrollment & New Faces

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Jasmine and Aladdin reach their sleeping quarters and find Alibaba and Morg already inside, getting ready for bed. 

The room is dim as Jasmine and Aladdin walk in. The room in the center is an oak table surrounded by bundles of blankets, sheets, and pillows. 

" Hey Aladdin, Jasmine; how was yall guys' day?" said Alibaba as he turned on an oil lamp and sat down, hugging a pillow. 

"Oh, it was amazing! Jasmine and I, get this, are going to Magnoshuttat together!" Aladdin says as he puts an arm around my waist and hugs Jasmine. 

" wait, you're leaving?" says Morgiana as she lies on the floor next to Alibaba. 

" Well...that's just it. I or I should say we as Magis need to see this matter in Magnoshuttat about dark magical tools. That and getting my magic to higher levels than I have now!" Aladdin says as he makes his way next to Alibaba. 

Jasmine leaves her staff against a wall and lies between Aladdin and Morgiana. 

" I've been talking with Morg, and it seems that she also wants to go on an adventure on her own to the dark continent." Jasmine gets under the covers, stomach up, and rests on her elbows looking at them. 

Alibaba straightens up quickly from his spot. 

" Hey, what's wrong, Alibaba?" says Aladdin. 

" Why? Why, after we finally are all together, now you all want to separate?" says Alibaba with an exasperated look. He clenches his fists and looks down. 

Aladdin and Morg look at each other and then look at Jasmine. 

I guess I need to soothe Alibaba if Morg and Aladdin are looking at me like that. 

" Alibaba, I thought you could also probably use this time to go to the Leam empire. They have gladiator fights there and could probably teach you magoi manipulation. Shar told me that you're having trouble forming full-body Djinn equipment." Jasmine starts to braid her hair to go to bed. 

"That sounds like a great idea Alibaba!" Aladdin says with a smile on his face. 

Alibaba ponders momentarily, plops back down on his spot, and lies down. 

"AHH," he lets out a big sigh with his hands in fists in the air, " I give...that sounds actually like a good idea; Sinbad said something about me having two different types of magoi and that I should've asked you about it, Jasmine. I guess he knew who I needed to ask." 

" Haha, really? I guess that's good for him. It shows that he should see that I'm a magi full of knowledge and show me the respect I deserve." Jasmine goes under the covers. 

Alibaba puts out the fire from the oil lamp, and everyone goes to bed. 

I hope everything goes well for everyone. Aladdin receives solomons wisdom hopefully very soon with my help, and Morgiana is going to the dark continent, which will have to contact Yunan. Still, he might know already that she's going there. Alibaba going to Leam and Shaherazade, hopefully being nice to him. And hopefully, we all meet together again. 

Morning came, and at the docks, everyone gathered around to say their goodbyes. 

" Goodbye, everyone! Jasmine and I are going to Magnoshuttat now!" Aladdin said. All geared up with his staff gets on the boat, Jasmine still running behind. 

I can't believe I had to pack light?! Why didn't I get the memo? We were going undercover. I've only been there once before Magnoshuttat was even a civilization of wizards. And running? I need to work out more dang.

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