The Responsibility of a Magi

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As the morning came so did Jasmine being summoned to the South corridor by King Solomon and his entourage

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As the morning came so did Jasmine being summoned to the South corridor by King Solomon and his entourage.

" Jasmine! Your Here!!!" said Sheba as she hugged me.

I looked around the room until I saw Solomon walking towards me.

" Jasmine, we all need to speak with you about the future of Alma Thoran and your future as well," said Solomon. 

I nodded as Sheba let me down and we all huddled around Solomon.

" As you all know Alma Thoran has been a blissful country up until now and...we also know that it is about to come to a sad end due to one of our own comrades who already threatened to end this place with black rukh and the medium," said Solomon.

I stared at everyone with worried looks on their faces and then they all were staring back at me.

" AS you all know Jasmine has been with us for almost a month now ever since Ugo found her and became ill with almost no Magoi it came to me the idea of making her a Magi for the sake of our new tomorrow," said Solomon.

" What? You made her a Magi?! Does she even know the responsibilities of a Magi?" said Setta.

" That's why we're here today to elucidate her about what it is she was reborn as...Ugo?" said Solomon as he gestured towards Ugo to speak.

  " Right...", Ugo said as he walked towards me and got down to my level.

" Listen, Jasmine, You are the ball of sunshine for the new world just as I am for this one, a Magi is seen as the creator of the earth and the ability to see and guide the Rukh," said Ugo

I pondered as to what Ugo said and he was right I did see the Rukh that he so explained to me before, the substance of all human life.

" Arba already has left the Divine Staves in order to corrupt this world and bring upon the destruction of all life as we know it but, you Jasmine will live to see the next one along with Ugo," said Solomon.

Everyone looks towards Solomon and winces.

" I am going to free this world from Arbas destruction and hoping to rebuild this world into a new one...which will have my life taken as the price for this new vision from my premonitions," said Solomon.

Solomon walked over and grabbed my hand and said, " I believe you will bring peace and balance to the next world Jasmine, and I need you to believe in that too

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Solomon walked over and grabbed my hand and said, " I believe you will bring peace and balance to the next world Jasmine, and I need you to believe in that too." 

I looked in awe as I wanted to believe in his words and in myself, I also knew I had to rise up to the challenge in order to make Solomon proud. 

" I will Solomon I promise, I also promise the rest of you! Just count on me!" I said as I bowed towards everyone. 

{ Time Skip *about 3 weeks have passed*} 

"You're doing great Jasmine! Your magic abilities have improved way more than I thought they would!" said Ugo belatedly. 

I was all giddy knowing that I have become stronger but also the wiser with myself and more connected towards the Rukh. 

" Guys! It's her it's...ARBA!" said Sheba in a worried tone. 

I looked at Ugo worried. 

" Jasmine head to where I told you to like we rehearsed...I didn't expect all of this to happen so suddenly," said Ugo as he winced of the thought. 

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the designated room and awaited for Ugo or Solomon for that matter until...

" Hahaha...come on out Solomon and everyone else as well," said Arba. 

The world that we know and have loved is coming to an end. 


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