New World and New Friends

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Jasmines POV

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Jasmines POV

Hi! My name is Jasmine and I'm the New Magi of this New World that Ugo brought me into. It took many sacrifices to let me live up till now and I won't let them go to waste! Currently, I'm 16 years old but in reality, if I do the numbers correctly...I'm probably way older than your great great great great grandmother! Ugo told me that he was going to send Aladdin into this world to when he was old enough so, I can't wait to meet him even though I don't know what he looks like hehe.

As of now, I am well acquainted with the Magi of the Leim empire, Lady Shaherazaude. Right now I'm in Leim waiting to meet the Magi of here and the King as well! I hope things turn out for the better.

I come into the front gates of the palace waiting to be called on by the KIng himself, I mean I am a Magi so of course, he would want to meet me...right?

I also forgot to mention I still have to find the other Magi that Ugo mentioned, he did tell me that this Magi roams all countries so it'll be quite difficult to find him but, I'll follow the Rukh for that!

" His Majesty demands your presence, Lady Jasmine!" beckoned an imperial servant from the palace.

I walk steadily behind the servant and we reach the main doors, behind them lie the king and Lady Shaherazaude as well. I take a deep breath wondering if my outfit is suited well enough for the King.

The doors open and I walk in slowly and bow.

" I am delighted to finally meet you, King of Leim, it is an honor," I said as I raised my head.

" It is also an honor to finally meet you Magi." said the King.

" Hello Jasmine, it is good to see you again." Lady Shaherazaude said with a warm smile.

" Well, let us get straight to it, you Magi came here to Leim in order to...what was it again?" asked the King.

" Oh yes, your Majesty, if you could so kindly grant me the honor of the Leim empire becoming one of my comrades or in other words have the entire Leim empire as an ally to me?" I asked.

The king looked at me, shocked.

" Hahaha, is this what you came and waited so long for young Magi haha...if that's what you want you should have just said so, our priestess has spoken greatly of you. Yes, of course, if that's what you seek," he says and gives a hand gesture towards Lady Scheherazade.

She walks towards me and hands me a golden ring with a blue emerald on it.

" As long as you wear this ting, it will signify the close tie you have with Leim and with me as well," said Lady Shaherazaude.

" Thank you very much Lady Shaherazaude and of course you King of Leim as well," I said.

" Um, Lady Shaherazaude may I speak with you for a moment," I asked.

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