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Life at the Kou Palace has been okay for the past weeks since Sinbad and the gang left. I've been keeping an eye out on Judar and the queen a lot too.

"Jasmine! I told ya to practice with me or how am I ever going to beat you!?" Said Judar as he just pointed at me.

" There wouldn't be much point if I did though Judar I've told you this countless times already..." I said.

Judar turns and leaves with a grumpy look on his face. I walk around the palace usually and I just play with Judar and try to give him a normal childhood unlike those hooded-faced people do when they drag him away somewhere. 

🍃 T I M E S K I P🍃

Time goes by and I don't' see Judar anymore at the palace here that often anymore. The last time I saw him was...4 years ago. Now more than ever, I've been trying to keep tabs on the queen since she's the one that sent Judar away 4 years ago and he hasn't come back since. I also have been outside Kou but I haven't seen Sinbad or anyone else lately. I hope they're all doing alright. 

It was nightfall already and usually now since I haven't made any process with the queen, she's usually in the main palace area while I'm in the outskirts of the palace; I go out to one of the palace gardens at night and just look up at the sky. 

" It's been really quiet these past couple of years, and usually by now Aladdin should've been brought into this world already by now according to Ugo's calculations." with a sigh I got up from my seat and was about to head over to the room where I've been staying in the palace. 

I go into my room and decide to hit the hay early, I just wasn't really feeling well these past few days...I guess this is what feeling depressed is. Not seeing Sinbad, Ja'far, or even Judar for a long time now has already taken a toll on me. But, I must get more information from the Queen if possible, if not then I fear that terrible things will start going on anytime soon. 

It's morning, dusk I would say, I just haven't been sleeping right these past couple of days since I'm getting very desperate on getting information that I haven't been able to get for the past 3 years already. I take off a layer of fabric around my waist which was a magic carpet that I acquired from Ugo and jumped on it to get a birds-eye view of the palace. 

As I started to raise up towards the sky, at the entrance of the palace I could see the doors opening... "Who could that be?", I wondered and decided to head towards the front of the palace doors, something interesting is finally happening, whether it's good or bad I don't really know. 

" Hey, Jasmine!" I turn around to see Ren Kouha waving at me from the palace doors that were beginning to open. Alongside him his younger sister and her advisor. I look behind him as they bring in an injured person, I couldn't really make up who the person was but it was a guy from the looks of it and he was in a very critical state. 

"Hello, your highnesses, what brings you here early this morning?" I ask. 

" Well, our priest finally got let go from his "school thing" and guess what's the first thing he ends up doing?! Picking a fight with Syndrias king, Sinbad!" says Kougyouku with a light blush on her cheeks. 

"S-sinbad?! as in that Sinbad?!" I said with an exasperated look on my face. 

" Well yeah, what other Sinbad is there? But, it wasn't really a fight with Sinbad but with a scrawny kid who actually ended up beating the crap out of him with a Jjin." said Kouha.  

A kid?  with a Jjin?  I thought to myself.  

" Well, that's why we had to make our way to Kou as soon as possible or else he might end up dying." said Kougyouku, " I really want to catch up with you Jasmine but, we have to attend to him first you know how royal duties are haha." 

I waved to them as they passed the main courtyard and saw them disappearing down the halls of the inner palace ring. 

I didn't know someone had the guts to face Sinbad like that...I wonder how he's like now, I haven't seen him in a long time. I guess he would probably lose it if he saw that Magis literally don't age hehe. I guess I could get out of Kou, I guess I'll check on that kid with a Jjin that Kouha and Kougyoku were talking about. 

As I headed for my room and started to pack to finally leave the Kou empire in search of answers about this mysterious kid that the princess and prince mentioned, then I would have to leave tomorrow morning in order to make it to Syndria on time before he leaves. 

It was late already so, for a change of pace I decided to head to a pub near the outside of the Kou palace for dinner, eating near the royal family won't do me any good at this point since the Queen hasn't eaten with the rest of the royal family since the King has fallen ill a few years back. 

I go into the pub in order to grab a bite to eat and ended up just getting some chicken and a few loaves of bread for the road tomorrow. As I finished my dinner, I headed out and back to the palace in order to get my things ready for tomorrow since I have a long carpet ride ahead of me. 

I walked into one of the courtyards of the palace and just stared up at the night sky as I usually do. 

" Hey Jasmine." I tensed up and as I slowly turned around I saw a tall figure in front of me wearing all black clothes and a long black braid. 

"It's been a while hasn't it but, I knew I'd find ya here." 

I stare at this man and I say, " Uh...who are you?" 

" What the... IT'S ME JUDAR!" he screams. 

"J-Judar?! What the but you were like so small why the hell are you so tall?!" I scream back. 

" It's called growing up Jaz look it up will ya." Judar says as he walks closer towards me. 

He really has grown up...a lot. Have I really been here for that long?

As he stand just inches from my face I grab him by the ear and start nagging. 

"Why the hell haven't you kept in touch you brat?! And where the hell have you been disappearing off to these past couple of years huh?!-" I get stopped mid-sentence when Judar grabs my arm and pulls me close to an embrace. 

Judar let's out a sigh of relief and says, " I-I really missed you you know...I had my reasons but, wanting to see you again was what kept me going...and don't call me "brat" anymore 'kay...I'm not a kid anymore you know." 

I look up to him while he still had his arms around me. I finally began to notice just how different this little kid I met almost 5 years ago grew up to be such a tall and different guy. But I guess that's just what happens when people grow up. 

I started to blush and quickly broke the hug and patted him on the shoulder. 

"Haha, it's nice to see you again then Judar and I'm really happy I got to see you before I left tomorrow morning," I said with a worried face of what he was going to say. 

"Yeah me too- wait, you're leaving..TOMORROW?!" says Judar with a very angry expression. 

There it is. 

" I never knew you were going to come back but, I have some business to attend to outside the Kou empire and it's very urgent," I say with a sad look on my face. 

Judar sighs and extends his hand and pats my head, " Well, I guess it can't be helped since your also a Magi but, you still owe me that fight right?" he says with a devious grin. 

I scoff, " You-You think you could beat me just because you grew a couple of inches Judar? Really? Well, I guess we'll have to see if you can beat me or not soon." I say as I turn and head to my room. 

"Good night Jaz," Judar says to me as I walk to my room. 

"Good night Judar." I wave to him as go back to my room. 

It was nice to see Judar again, even if it was really unexpected, but I have even bigger fish to fry once I get to Syndria tomorrow in the morning. 

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