Titus Alexius

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I made my way over to my dormitory. Hopefully my roommate is nice and amiable.

"114A, this seems to be it."

I push open the door and am immediately taken aback by a red haired girl.

"Hiya! My names Omaira, nice to meet you! You can take that side of the room."

"Oh, hi very nice to meet you... and thanks." I smiled back and walked over to my side and set down my things and just crashed on the bed.

Tomorrow is going to be one heck of a first day for sure.

Hours pass and it's already morning...it felt like I didn't get any wink of sleep. Getting up early and not the time that I want sucks, but it's for the sake of the mission.

I struggle to get out of bed and put on my wizard robes, hat and grab my staff. Omaira seemed to be out of bed already way earlier than I did.

I made my way to the eatery down at the base level of the school building and start looking around for Aladdin.

Suddenly I feel two arms hug tightly around my back near my waist and I jump a bit gripping my staff closer to my chest.

"Guess who!"

I whip around and am face to face with Aladdin smiling happily up at me.

I giggle, " We'll, it definitely looks like you got plenty of rest Aladdin."

" Yeah I sure did! And my roommate went in already, we should go sit with him!"

Aladdin grabbed me from my wrist and pulled me into the fray of bustling students watching us as we walked in.

"Hey! Sphintus! Hey!" Aladdin waves his hands up in the air as he makes his way to a table with a boy who looks a lot like Sharrkan.

The boy winces as he looks up to Aladdin's direction mid bite.

"Oh no, didn't I tell you not to talk to me." The boy says.

Aladdin and I approach the table.

"Aw come on don't be like that Sphintus! I wanted to present my bestest friend Jasmine!"

The boys stare locks eyes with mine and abruptly stands up.

He extends his hand.

"H-hi, I'm Sphintus, I didn't know Aladdin had a pretty and well educated wizard as a friend."

I shake his hand.

"It's very nice to meet you Sphintus. I'm Jasmine and I'm sorry for Aladdin and I to bother you we'll just look for another open table-"

"NO-no it's it's no trouble at all. Please sit down."

He beckons for us to sit across from him.

Aladdin and I take our seats and start scooping food onto our plates. Mounds of potatoes and veggies as well as cured meats and cheeses adorned the tables. We all got a bit of everything and bread, there's always bread.

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