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It was the next morning as I got up and gathered my things as I headed outside. I took the piece of fabric that was around my waist and extended it, letting it turn into a magic carpet. I place my bags above it and was ready to go.

I hear footsteps approaching and turn around to see the princess out of breath.

" Princess Kougyoku? What are you doing here and...were you running?" I ask.

" If you must know a princess can run too, but, I just heard from Judar last night that you were leaving and just right before we finally came back too..." she says with a sad look on her face.

I walk up to her and pat her on the head.

" Don't worry I'll be back soon it's just some Magi business so yeah, I just need to go to Sindria," I say as I get onto the carpet.

" S-sindria? A-are you going to see the king? Is it official Kou Empire business?" Kougyoku asks exasperatedly.

" No, it's not for Kou, remember I'm not affiliated to Kou in that way, it's personal I guess you could say," I say.

I wave goodbye and start to head to Sindria on the carpet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some time passes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's now nighttime already as I get to the border of Sindria and descend on my magic carpet. I look around to see if there was an inn where I could spend the night and head for the Sindria palace in the morning.

I get checked in to an inn in the heart of Sindria and eating the loaves of bread I had saved from last night as a quick meal and head off to bed, I had a big morning ahead of me.

The next morning

I get ready and head out of the inn and head towards the Sindria palace, I was a little nervous not seeing Sinbad and the whole gang after so long. I also need to see if the Magi I was told by Ugo is still here or not but, according to Judar and the princess they should still be here with Sinbad.

I walked down the bustling town of Sindria and headed towards the palace. There were some guards stationed in the front of the palace not letting anyone in or out. I'm guessing it was due to what happened a few days ago with Judar and they still must be on edge.

" I'm here to see the King of Sindria," I tell the guard stationed in front of the palace gate.

" No one is allowed to meet with anyone inside the palace now. So please take your leave." the guard responds coldly.

" I'm a Magi, and here to see the King of Sindria Sinbad, I came here as a peace acquisition from Kou," I say back.

" My apologies I didn't know you were a Magi from Kou." the guard responds.

The gates open and I head inside as a guard acts as my guide in order to meet Sinbad.

We head inside the main palace doors, I still can't believe that Sinbad managed to become a king of a whole country it's really nice but scary how he was able to do it in such a short amount of time.

The palace guard walks up to a really beautifully adorned door with gold and silver encrypted and etched into the door.

" King Sinbad, a representative from the Kou Empire wishes to have an audience with you." the guard says as he steps away from the door.

" Let them in," Sinbad says from the other side of the door.

The palace guard opens the door for me and I head inside.

I see Sinbad sitting in a big tall chair with a grande table in front of him as he is talking to a few other people around the table.

I walk slowly inside as the doors behind me close.

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