At the Palace

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Morning came and we all got ready to go to the palace where we were supposed to meet Judar. 

" Let's go, guys!" Sinbad said enthusiastically as we all followed him out of the Inn and towards the palace. 

As the group made their way to the front gates of the palace one of the guards stopped them and asked, " State your purpose.".

" We're here to see his majesty the King alongside his Magi," said Sinbad with a very serious tone. 

" You need a certification in order to go in and see his majesty." said the guard. 

[Where the heck is Judar?]

"Let them pass!" said a guard as he was walking towards us through the gates. 

The palace gates then flew open and we all headed inside. 

"Wow, this place is really nice," said Hinahoho. 

A palace guard then came towards us and led us to the King's Throne room. 

As we trod towards the Kings Throne room I felt an awful presence coming from it. 

The Thone room doors opened and we were led inside. 

We stopped as we saw the King of Kou and kneeled. 

" It is an honor to finally meet you face to face King of the Kou Empire. I am Sinbad of the 7 Seas Alliance and these are my comrades-" said Sinbad until he was interrupted by the King. 

" I see that the famed mysterious Magi is with you." said the King. 

[Famed? Wow didn't think they would know about me...] 

" I'm guessing it's you my dear?" the King asked as he pointed with his hand towards me. 

I got up with my staff and looked at the King. 

" It is an honor to meet you, great King of the Kou Empire, my name is Jasmine and I am a master of creation, a Magi," I said. 

" Likewise, it is an honor to meet another Magi face to face. As you came all this way I will also present my royal family." the King said as he waved his hand and a door opened to his right and a group of people came in and presented themselves. 

"These are my children and my wife, as well as our Magi of the Kou Empire."

I look over to see Judar...dressed up quite nicely in robes. [He definitely has a very different vibe] 

 [He definitely has a very different vibe] 

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" This is our Magi Judar." the King says. 

" I would love for you all to stay here at the palace as my honored guests. We shall all have dinner together as well later today." 

" If you don't mind me," said Sinbad, '' I would want to present on why we are here in the first place." 

" Oh I already know my boy, you are Sinbad conquerer of the 7 Seas, and you're wanting to become I right." the King said with a very serious tone. 

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