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" I'm glad your okay Aladdin," I say as I help him up to his feet from the bed. 

" Yeah, I feel so much better and full of energy! This...power, you said Ugo told you to give it to me?" asked Aladdin. 

"Yeah, I know it's a lot to take in but, you understand what it is right? It all sort of happened very quickly." I asked. 

Solomons wisdom is power so immense that the Al-Thaman is after it.  That's why Ugo wanted me to give it to Aladdin personally. Solomons Wisdom also gives the user wisdom and knowledge of the past as well as being able to talk to people with the rukh either dead or alive. 

"I see...everything is pretty clear to me so don't worry okay Jasmine?" said Aladdin as he looked at me with a bright smile on his face. 

"Right" I beckoned. 

As Aladdin and I awoke we both headed to the main part of the palace in Sindria where Sinbad was who was joined by other people from his alliance that we've never seen before. 

"A-Aladdin you're awake!" said a boy with golden hair standing beside Sinbad. 

There was a girl who looked a lot like Masur next to him along with the people from Sinbads 7 seas alliance. 

"Yeah! I'm all better now thanks to Jasmine!" Aladdin said as he hinted over towards me. 

"Oh. Hi! I'm Alibaba nice to meet you and this is Morgiana." said Alibaba as he hinted towards her behind him. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I said while shaking their hands. 

" Jasmines a Magi too! isn't that amazing!" said Aladdin as Sinbad was approaching our little group. 

"Yeah, she's pretty amazing all right, especially with helping you wake up.  But here's where we all depart my friends sadly enough," said Sinbad as two people from the 7 seas alliance came near him. 

"This is Sharrkhan and Yamraiha part of the 7 seas alliance who will be helping you two out in getting more powerful and just better in general in terms of magic and swordsmanship," said Sinbad as the two people from the alliance stepped forward and waved. 

"Wait you want to separate us?" asked Aladdin. 

"It'll only be for a little while I'll be training Alibaba on how to use his Jinn as well as Sharrkhan and you little magi will be trained in the ways of magic by Yamraiha who is an excellent magician might I add," said Sinbad. 

" Okay, I don't see any wrong with that..." says Aladdin. 

" I'm in your care Yamraiha!" he says with a bright smile. 

Sinbad walks over next to Jasmine and puts a hand over her shoulder and lowers his head near her ear.

"I need to talk to you privately is that okay?" whispered Sinbad. 

Jasmine follows Sinbad and leaves everyone else to talk it out and follows him to his study. 

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" asked Jasmine. 

Sinbad sits on the side of his desk with a puzzled look on his face with his arms crossed. 

"What was it that you did exactly to wake up Aladdin? He was literally on the brink of death but he looks as if nothing ever happened to him," asked Sinbad. 

" Oh...uh, I can't really say, its...confidential a Magis only sort of thing really."  I can't tell him about Solomons's Wisdom no one else can know what it is at all, even if it kills me I can't tell another soul. 

Sinbad approaches Jasmine and pins her against the wall towering over her. 

"You're actually just going to keep this from me after everything that we've already been through Jasmine? I call that hardly fair on my end..." said Sinbad in a mischievous tone. 

Jasmine's cheeks had a small hint of blush even in this hard-headed situation. 

Sinbad starts to lean in lower towards Jasmine's face and strokes his hand against her cheek.

A loud knock was at the door, Jasmine pushed Sinabd away from her as Ja'far came bursting in. 

"Sin! what are you doing in here! Everyones asking for---wait am I interrupting something?" said Ja'far as he held the door open. 

" Nope, not at all sorry to keep them all waiting. " Sinbad looked over his shoulder towards jasmine who was still trying to process what in the world Sinbad was about to do and made his way towards the crowd. 

" L-lets go Ja'far," said Jasmine as she walked past him tailing Sinbad not far behind. 

Everyone from the 7 seas alliance was about to head their separate ways and bid their final goodbyes until they were to meet again. 

" Sin, you better not call us again unless it's something SUPER URGENT okay?" said Mistras. 

" Of course of course no harm done right?" Sinbad said with a gleeful tone. 

Yamraiha beckoned Aladdin to follow her and begin their training and everyone else went their separate ways. 

Jasmine still had to keep her eye and make sure Aladdin was okay. 

" Hey, Yamraiha is it alright if I would be able to stay with you two for a while?" asked Jasmine. 

"Alright, that seems fine with me, as long as Aladdin still gets to train in his magic I see no harm in doing so," Yamraiha said. 

From that point on several weeks had passed, both Aladdin and Alibaba were able to get into the rhythm of things, and let's just say that Aladdin has made it to become a more powerful mage and Magi all together. 

" That was amazing Aladdin I cant believe you've progressed this much in such a short amount of time! All that's left is for one more thing that you are going to need to do, I've been talking with Sinbad and there's apparently some ominous works going on in Magnoshuttat," says Yamraiha. 

" Magnoshuttat, what's that?" asks Aladdin. 

"It's the country whose population is made up of mostly magicians like myself, I actually grew up there and went to school there as well," she said. 

" Sinbad wants to know about the ominous magic tools that are used on the non-magic folk there." 

"To do this you would have to enroll in the academy there and pass a test in order to be accepted." 

Yamraiha grabs Aladdins arm and conjures a red stone engraved to his forearm. 

"Ouch, what is that?" asked Aladdin. 

"This relic will not only help me keep tabs with you when you are in the academy but, it'll also keep you hidden from other people knowing you are a Magi too," said Yamraiha as she got up and made her way towards the door outside to the courtyard. 

Aladdin followed close behind and saw Jasmine up ahead. 

" Hey, Jasmine how have ya been?" asked Aladdin as he walked up to her. 

"Oh hey, I see you have a fresh new jewel as well," said Jasmine as she pointed to his arm and raised her sleeve to show that she had one as well. 

" Wait you have one too?" asked Aladdin. 

" Yes, Jasmine has offered to go with you in case you needed any assistance, and because of her young appearance it shouldn't be that difficult for her to enroll," said Yamraiha. 

" Wowee this will be so much fun!" said Aladdin. 

" When are we going to Magnoshuttat anyways?". 

"Tomorrow of course," Yamraiha said. 

"Tomorrow?!" said Aladdin and Jasmine at the same time while looking at Yamraiha. 

" Yep preparations were already made and you leave first thing in the morning. " Yamraiha said as she looked at both of them with a grin. 

" Well to Magnoshuttat we go I guess..." said Jasmine. 

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