Kou Empire

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We arrived at the most powerful empire yet...the Kou Empire. The Kou Empire has steadily gained and has remained in power for quite a long time now. I myself have never been, to be honest, only heard things here and there. 

" So this is the Kou Empire?" said Sinbad. 

" I expected more." 

I hit him on the shoulder. 

" Hey what was that for?!" 

" You think Sinbad of the Seven Seas would learn some manners at oh I don't know the most powerful country ever right now?!" I said as I jumped off the ship. 

" She's right Sinbad, who knows if we'll even be able to meet the King never the less their Magi!" said Ja'far in a worried tone. 

" Don't worry about it! [leans into Ja'fars ear] *whispers* We already have our way in" Sinbad says as he looks over to Jasmine. 

" [angrily whispers] What?! Jasmine? What if they don't even listen to her?! Then what?! She's never been here!" says Ja'far. 

" Guys! Come on! Or I'll go see the King myself!" says Jasmine. 

The whole Sinbad squad, including Jasmine, make their way to the palace. Only to see guards lined up around the whole dang place. 

Sinbad walks towards the front gate until he is stopped by an officer.

" You need to get an appointment with the King in order to enter the palace and that might take from 3 months to even a few years depending on how important your reason may be, now please leave." says one of the soldiers. 

" I'm Sinbad conquerer of the 7 Seas and part of the 7 seas alliance! I came here with a Magi," says Sinbad with a bright smile. 

" A-a Magi?!" say a few soldiers as they all begin to murmur and whisper to one another.

[Oh my goodness what is Sinbad thinking just blurting out I'm a Magi?!]

" Alright, we'll talk to headquarters about this and will hear back in a bit." the soldier said as he headed towards the palace walls with a few other soldiers. 

I walk straight towards Sinbad and grab him by his collar angrily until our faces are only centimeters apart. 

" What are you thinking Sinbad?! Are you mad?! You just can't yell out that your traveling with a Magi and whats worse you didn't even ask for my permission-" I said until I was stopped mid-sentence by Sinbad as he grabbed my arm. 

 He looked intensely into my eyes and said, " Look, this is probably the only way we'll be able to get to see the Magi of the Kou Empire okay?". 

[Dang...this guy really is something else...]

" I understand that but still!" I said as I let go of his hand.

Sinbad sighs heavily. 

" Well, the least we could do is find a place to stay and just look around to find somewhere to eat for now,"  says Sinbad. 

" Yeah..." everyone says with a sigh. 

As everyone made their way towards the center of the Kou Empire an Udon shop caught Jasmine's eye. 

" Udon? What's that?" says Jasmine as she points to a big sign with her staff. 

"It's an Udon restaurant-wait...YOU'VE NEVER HAD UDON?!" says Mystras. 

" I guess? It's food right?" Jasmine says bluntly. 

" That's it! We're going to have Udon! Poor Jasmine has never even tried it before that's so sad Jasmine I feel so sorry for you~" says Mystras as he sniffles. 

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