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Sinbad and the 7 Seas Alliance set out to Parthevia his home town in order to find Jasmine the Third Magi.

Sinbad looks through the Magic Tool, " Huh, it looks like its culminating towards the end of town near the seaport..." says Sinbad.

" Let's go then the sooner we get this done the one step closer we are towards our goal...right Sinbad?" says Hinahoho.

" Remember Sinbad she's a Lady and a Magi on top of that, be nice to her okay?" says Rurumu.

As the 7 Seas Alliance arrives towards the port they all start to roam around the city in order to find Jasmine.

" Here's where the Rukh culminates the most...A Fortune-telling shop?" says Sinbad as they walk into the little quaint shop.

Jasmines POV:

" OOf time to open up shop-" Jasmine is startled by the upcoming presence she sensed.

" This Magoi it's...different to any that I have encountered in a human before...they might be...yeah I'll have to be careful now," Jasmine says.

{Back to present time}

*clears throat* " Hello? Is anyone here?" asks Sinbad.

Everyone stands there in silence when a figure appears out of nowhere wrapped in long cloths, what can only be seen is her eyes and hands.

{ tries to speak in an old lady voice} " Why hello weary traveler here to have your fortunes told?" asks Jasmine.

" I guess you could say something like that...Let me introduce myself..." says Sinbad as he approaches Jasmine in disguise and grabs her hand as he pulls her in.

" My name is Sinbad leader of the 7 Seas Alliance, here to ask you a question on our behalf," says Sinbad.

[ Oh...-///- wAit nooooo, Lady Saherazaude warned me of a traveler that uses weird magic in order to get women to fall and do stuff for him...NO I will not fall for some petty trick-]

[ I look straight into Sinbads eyes seeing not what this man currently is but

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[ I look straight into Sinbads eyes seeing not what this man currently is but...I feel like he is destined for greatness. I get pulled in as I look into his eyes more and more]

*cough* " Sinbad?" asks Jaf'ar. 

" Sorry," says Sinbad as he pulls away," We are here due to this Magic Tool," says Sinbad. 

" It lets us see the Rukh and as Lady Shaherazaude stopped working the moment we found this shop," says Sinbad with a smirk on his face. 

[This man...not only did he get the head Priestesses trust but also...was lent a Magic Tool from the Priestess herself?? I guess I can trust this guy.] 

*clears voice* " Sorry for hiding-" I say as I take off my weird disguise and grab my staff.

" Please take a seat, My name is Jasmine and I am a Magi," I say proudly. 

[ everyone stares at me]

" So your not an old hag...You're a hot babe!" says Mystras as he gets hit by Hinahoho. 

[ I blush at their weird comment] 

" Uh, well Mystras is not wrong...I'm glad I was able to meet you here now...Jasmine," says Sinbad.

*clears throat* " Well, you found state your purpose for finding me...What is it that you want?" I ask. 

" Well you see, I want your help in order to gain trust from the Magi from the Kou Empire!" says Sinbad. 

[ What? The Magi from the Kou Empire?] 

" Why is it that you want to see the Magi from the Kou Empire and what does that have me to do with it?" I ask. 

" Easy, You're not attached to any country so asking for an audience with the Magi from there will be much easier and also since your a Magi I think out odds are with us. Also before you ask Yunan won't be able to even though he wanders all the time he just doesn't like staying in one place at once AND I want to unify all countries so that I can be King and bring peace and order," says Sinbad. 

[Just like-] I smile. 

" I see...Alright, I'll try and help you Sinbad BUT, I do this not for your sake but I also have been wanting to gain trust from all nations and their Magis as well." I say. 

" I guess we come to an agreement then?" he asks. 

I nod and extend my hand in order to shake his. 

It was settled, I allied with the 7 Seas Alliance and Sinbad, we embarked to the land of Kou where many things awaited us. 

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