Wizards Battle

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Titus just stood there in shock.

Sphintus then just blew out in full-on laughter.

"Bwahaha! Oh, Aladdin, you're just too good! Look at Titus' face!"

Titus balls his hands into fists and grows mad and impatient.

"I don't need to extend myself to the likes of you anymore; we'll settle this anyway on the battlefield."

He points to Aladdin as he walks away with his posee.

"Wow, guess I made him pretty mad, huh? But I was so sure he was a girl! He had such pretty features..." Aladdin says, almost disappointed.

"Now, Aladdin, this wizard battle is very important. Titus wants to fight you to prove he's better, and I'm pretty sure he has a motive, though I don't know what it could be..." I say.

"Yeah, I mean, there's only one way for me to find out more about him, and that's by talking to him, but after this interaction, I doubt he'd want to talk it out unless on the battlefield tomorrow in our wizards' spar match."

Sphintus regains his composure and pats Aladdin on the back.

"Well, don't mind him, Aladdin! That prissy boy doesn't look all that strong to me anyway. You got this, ok? I'll be rooting for you tomorrow!"

Aladdin nods and gives Sphintus and me a reassuring smile.

We all make our way to our rooms and rest up for tomorrow. They'll both need it for their match, though I am worried about it now as I think about it. Those rukh circling Titus make me uneasy.

~~~~the next morning~~~~~

I got up quite early to help Aladdin review any spells and ensure he was okay overall. 

"It looks like you're all set for today, huh?" I tell Aladdin as I bandage up his arm crystal tightly. 

"Yeah, you've helped me so much! I also have a few cards I perfected for this battle that you don't know about! It'll be a surprise. " he says. 

I tie the bandage around his arm to ensure it doesn't come off during the battle and head out to join Sphintus in the arena. 

Mogamett comes out to greet everyone gathered and gives a glorious speech regarding everything about wizardry and how this should be a fair fight to see who will be the best wizard in our grade. 

"Now, here we have Titus Alexius and Aladdin from Sindria! Please come out and meet your opponent for the wizard brawl!" Mogamett says as the crowd begins to cheer. Titus and Aladdin come out from opposite ends of the arena, meeting in the middle until a large bell goes off. Titus starts with a spell, taking out his spear-like wand, using a lighting spell, and shooting it towards Aladdin. 

Aladdin counterattacks with his wand at the ready with a sand spell, creating two giant golems who look a lot like Ugo and controlling them to take charge of Titus. But Titus doesn't back down, and he engages again with another lighting spell, this time way more magnified, and can defeat both golems at once. 

"Aww, you're little friend went up and died, didn't he?" Titus remarks as he finishes the spell. 

"Oh, it's not over yet," Aladdin says as he raises his wand again and casts the same spell one more time, this time with one bigger version of Ugo, which curls up a fist and slams it down towards Titus. He quickly maneuvers out of it by casting Borg. Aladdin doesn't give up and retaliates by making Ugo keep smashing Titus repeatedly until his borg can't take the pressure anymore and breaks. 

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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