A Mischievous idea

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Hello I'm back! I actually bought the book so I might update more frequently! Yay! I love this story so much and I love all of y'all's support! Thank you darlings~

Dancing and singing along to the music, we sped through the streets of Los Angeles. Behind us a new Fleet of cop cars had now joined the chase. The Chief's car pulled up beside us and she climbed out the window- she would do whatever it took to catch us. The chief grabbed the door and pulled it towards her with tremendous strength. Wolf and your face broke into an even wider smile. There was nothing quite as satisfying as seeing frustration written all over the police chief's face. And we had a great view of her face seeing as she was hanging suspended between her own car and ours like a bridge.

"I'm going to put you guys away for so long, your fleas will have fleas!" She growled.

Shark leaned out the window. "Chief ...  you want some cake?" " You seem a little hangry."  the  chief shouted back,  "Get that thing out of my face before I-"

"Excuse me," Wolf cuts her off. "Excuse me chief."

" What?"  the police chief sputtered.

Wolf gestured with his chin for the chief to take a look at the road ahead. Well she was focusing on stopping us, her own car had nearly sideswiped a bus!

" Ahhhhhhh!" she screamed, Climbing back into her car and clutching the wheel just in time to prevent a collision.

"Uh," Piranha said, glancing nervously at the car's front window. " Hermano..."  Wolf was driving straight towards a blockade of police cars. We were totally boxed in! But Wolf just kept accelerating as if he didn't see that there was nowhere for us to go but straight into the blockade.

" WOLLLFFF!"  you screamed.

At the very last second, Wolf threw the steering wheel to the left and drove down a huge staircase. Having the car bump down the stairs, all of us flew out the sunroof flipping and flopping midair, before landing back in the car with a thud. And Snake's birthday cake had come out of the whole ordeal no worse for the wear...

" Yeah,"  Wolf murdered, please just as punch about yet another perfect executed heist. " We may be bad guys... but we're so good at it."

As the police car is crashed to a halt behind us, the chief climbed out of her car and growled when we disappeared into the sunset

"Not again,"  she fumed. " No! No! No! No! No!  keep running, Wolf and Y/N.  One of these days, your luck is going to run out."

Wolf and you had heard that line plenty of times before. Much as the chief liked to think she had us in her crosshairs, she just couldn't seem to catch us.

Now that we had  successfully dodged our way through a second cop chase, we headed for the lair. Wolf steered the car into the parking lift and the doors to the secret lairs entrance sealed up behind us. Safe and sound at home, hidden among the streets of Los Angeles.

Inside our lair, we're all kinds of prizes, stolen possessions were on full display. Our roomy Loft had plenty of space to display Jewels, cash, Priceless works of art, and all the other treasures we'd acquired over the years. But today, the centerpiece of the whole place was the birthday spread set up in the kitchen. Balloons hung from the ceiling, signs calling out happy birthday, and a spot in the center of the table for Snakes tasty birthday cake. Which was kind of misshapen.

Wolf bounced across the room to deliver the cake to its rightful spot. We all gathered around, preparing to see our grumpy pal.

"Alright, Piranha, you're up,"  Wolf said. We all  knew Snake wasn't expecting this, but who wouldn't love the chance to have everyone celebrate you? With a surprisingly clear and lovely voice, Piranha begins to sing.

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