A/N So Sorry

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Hello darlings I know I haven't updated in quite a while but I have a question for y'all... well two actually

1. Should I do a face reveal... I don't know if y'all would like the 'real' me so to speak.

And 2. ...Should I confess to my crush... I'm really scared he won't return my feelings and well if he doesn't I'll have to deal with seeing him for the rest of the year... I really need another option b/c my friends want me to but idk...

 I really need another option b/c my friends want me to but idk

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This is him btw👀🥰 I like him so much... but i don't think he... likes me...

And I'm so scared to confess to him... b/c if he doesn't feel the same... it will brake me..

Life has been a little hard... so that would make it a whole lot worse...

Please help me decide.

I promise I'll update as soon as I can... probably once this is all sorted out...

I'll see you soon darlings... hopefully.

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