The Gala

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Hello my darlings I finally finished! Yay! I loved the concert except the people who were smoking because it was very strong💀 Um anyways this is not fully proof read so there might be spell errors other then that enjoy~

You slowly open your eyes, blinking them due to the light coming in from the window. You attempted to get up but got pulled right back down into the fluffy chest. You then felt a kiss on your neck.

" Where are you going sweetheart~" you then turned to Wolf with a small smirk on your face.

"We have a big day ahead of us darling, we have to get ready." He then pouted.

"But the gala isn't until the afternoon~" You placed your hand on the side of his face, caressing it softly.

"Alright pretty thing we can wait."

You then heard a groan from above you

"If you guys are going to be flirting all day, I'm leaving."

Both of you flushed and let out a warm chuckle. Well this will be an eventful day.

Time went by and most of it was spent with Wolf by your side. The start of the gala drew near and you were sitting in front of you vanity mirror getting ready.

Your outfit consists of a beautiful blue dress with matching heels.

Your outfit consists of a beautiful blue dress with matching heels

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(You can change if you would like. Like if you want a different dress or if you want to wear a suit.) Just as you were putting finishing touches on your outfit, you felt an arm yank you out of the room. Stumbling a bit you notice that it was Shark and the others. You were about to yell at them but stopped when you saw Wolf all dressed up in a beautiful blue suit. Which coincidentally matched your dress.

You then walked up to him. "Hi." You said smiling at him.

He blinked a couple times shaking himself out of his trans. " You... look amazing." He then released something. "Wait you always look amazing.. I."

You stopped his rambling by placing a kiss on his cheek. Which caused him to flush a dark red. He quickly shook his head regaining his confidence.

"You missed darling?~" You tilted your head to the side confused on what he meant until you felt his lips on yours.

You pulled away when you heared some cheers from the guys. Wolf just had an arm wrapped around your waist as he kissed you temple.

"Alright let's go before I vomit all over you guys." Snake rolled his eyes but a small smile rested on his face.

Small time skip~

We were in marmalade's limo on the way to the gala. You were sitting next to Wolf who had one arm wrapped around your shoulder.

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