Actions are Forgiven

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Hello darlings I'm so sorry this took so long. I just never had the time to do it. This would have been posted yesterday but I had gotten back from a sleepover and I was really sleep deprived. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Not fully spell checked.

Diane zipped to the police station as quickly as she could. Before she got too close, she flipped the motorcycle into the air and transformed it back into a briefcase. It would be waiting for her there the next time she needed it or the next time you needed it.

"Chief!" She called out, striving toward the front entrance.

"Thank you for getting here so quickly."

Suddenly, Tiffany Fluffit popped up, her camera crew trailing after.

"Look!" She called out. She pointed down the street, just as our car careened around the corner towards the station.

"Well,," The chief said in disbelief.

"Can it be?" Tiffany said into her microphone.

"The Bad Guys are returning the meteorites! Perhaps this is the feel-good story we all needed!"

Inside the car, we could already feel the excitement. "Woo-hoo!" We cried out.

"Do you think they'll throw us a party?" Webs asked.

"Yeah," Piranha cried. "With fireworks, piñatas, and cake!"

"Yeah that sounds nice." You thought of hanging out with Diane like old times. But those memories quickly faded when you relied that it won't be the same without Snake.

You glanced at the others and saw they seemed to feel the same way. It was hard to believe we had just been celebrating Snake's birthday, and now we were doing all this without him.

We all turned to look down to look at Snake's empty spot in the car. His birthday hat was still crumpled up on the seat. Wolf glanced at you and the others. This was it. The moment they had to decide. Return the meteorite because of the good thing to do, or...

Sacrifice everything to try to get our pal Snake back? You and Wolf glanced over at Diane, who was smiling at us expectantly. You and Wolf looked away. Suddenly, you looked over at Wolf and saw him turn to you and the others and said:

"We can't do this without him. What do you say we take a detour first?"

Shark grinned. " He might be Mr. Grumpypants..."

"But he's our Mr. Grumpypants," Webs finishes.

Wolf floored it, leaving the police station in his dust. It was time to get our friend back.

With Marmalade and Snake

Inside Marmalade's helicopter, the professor was screaming at Snake.

"They stole my stolen money!" He wailed. "Why did I bring you on as a partner if you can't even anticipate their next move?!"

"Oh," Snake hissed, "So all this is my fault?"

"You're probably just jealous because my heist was better than your heist!" Marmalade snapped at Snake.

"You mean, the heist where you lost the money and the meteorite?"Snake lifted an eyebrow.

"I'm starting to see why your friends dumped you," Marmalade snarled.

"I don't have any friends!" Snake shouted.

Just then, he heard a voice calling his name from somewhere nearby.

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