Things Work Out Even for Bad Guys

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Hello darlings I'm so sorry for the wait I've been so busy with school and band😭 But I'm back and I might do one more chapter before I finish this book😢 Unless y'all give me ideas👀
"Professor!" Tiffany cried out as Marmalade's helicopter landed, thrusting the news station's microphone in his face. "Care to comment?"

Marmalade posed smugly for the cameras. "I tried to help them, but in the end it's the same old story: bad guys bad, good guys good."

'Is he really going to get away with this?!' You thought.

Tiffany nodded. "So true. So wise."

All of us and Diane watched Marmalade's performance, in total disbelief that someone could be so good at lying.

Marmalade sprung to address the crowd. "Furthermore, for the good of the city, I have generously decided to take the meteorite back to my compound for safe keeping."

We were horrified, but the crowd was totally into this idea. They cheered, grateful for Marmalade's offer and relieved to have their hero back.

"Thank you," Marmalade gushed, bowing. "Gosh, you're kind. Give it up for me!"

"What the hell!" You moved to walk forward to confront Marmalade but was stopped by Wolf. You fought him but stopped seeing that you couldn't move.

He then leaned down to your ear and whispered. "It's no use, things don't work out for us that way."

Your glare that cascaded on Marmalade turned into a sad one. Almost like you were gonna cry. You just got Diane back and you were going to lose her all over again.

Wolf saw your change in emotion and quickly pulled you close, petting your ears softly to calm you down.

Marmalade clapped for himself. All of a sudden, the meteorite turned off... then on... then off again.

You looked up from Wolf's chest and laughed at this site. (clap on....clap off)

Everyone stared. What on Earth is going on?

" What is sec!" The police chief cried. " This isn't the meteorite! It's a lamp!"

There was a din of conversation as everyone turned to ask the person standing next to them what on Earth is going on.

That's when Snake began to chuckle. "Hehehehehe."

There was a big, fat secret he'd been keeping from everyone. See, the thing was, Snake loved his friends. He just didn't like to tell them that. But when he'd shared that one remaining push pop with Shark and put someone else's needs above his own, it had made him feel good and that's when he realized he really wasn't ready to leave his friends after all. He felt the wag, and it was incredible.

But by pretending to leave the bad guys, Snake had realized he could help his pals! He explained to everyone that he joined Marmalade as partner and set his clever plan in action. After he gained Marmalade's trust, he had taken his turn with the mind control helmet—but instead of using the helmet to carry out Marmalade's plain, Snake had mind controlled the guinea pigs to carry out his plan: to spray paint the lamp replica of the meteorite so it looked exactly like the real thing. Then he had the rodents swap it out, real or fake, knowing we would come to try to steal it.

"But..."Marmalade said, cutting him off. He pointed to the meteorite and asked, "If that's a lamp, where is the—"

Snake giggled. "Hehehe, The ol' switcheroo."

He told everyone how the guinea pigs had swapped the real one for the fake one, then turned the real meteorite's dials from STABLE to UNSTABLE, then all the way to SYSTEM OVERLOAD.

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