Somethings are not meant to Be

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Hey guys... It's been a while and I'm so sorry for that. I just wasn't feeling up to writing... since what happened. But I'm back and hopefully I'll continue writing:]. So this chapter is going to continue after the last one. For those that suggested chapters I'll get there as soon as I can.

Not fully spell checked:)


As we were driving back to our hideout, Wolf came up with a great idea. Wrapping his right hand around your waist he spoke.

"Hey..." glancing back at us. "How about we have a little celebration."

Snake then perked up, "For my birthday right?" He raised his eyebrow.

Wolf then slightly panicked how the hell did he forget that he was talking about it not too long ago.

You felt him tense up so you placed a hand on the one that lingered on your waist. Squeezing it softly. You looked up at him watching as his face softened with a small smile as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Yeah totally." He gently squeezed your waist. Looking down at you muttering a quick thank you.

You leaned up, placing a small kiss on his cheek in return. His cheeks flushed a light pink. He quickly cleared his throat. Trying to ease the tension away, until Snake spoke.

"Can you guys last one minute without being so lovey dovey around us." He rolled his eyes, but they quickly halted when you turned around.

You then looked at him and smirked which made him flitch slightly. You still felt slightly flustered but you shook it off. Keeping your gaze on him. Snake would never tell you, but he was a little afraid of you.

"You'll jealous~"

Snake's eyes widened. "W-what no I'm not."

Webs then butted in. "Mmmhmmm. Sure you aren't."

Everyone then teased Snake as he started to wish he was still in jail.

Small time skip:]

"Will that was a fun two hours." Snake groaned as he slithered out of the elevator.

You then nugged him slightly, "Oh come on... it wasn't that bad or that long."

He then gave you a 'are you serious look'

"Well being in the car with y'all feels like two hours."

"Ok you know we're just joking."

He then glared up at you, " I know but this happens a lot and especially when you do it. I don't know what to expect."

Then something clicked in your mind. You smirked at Snake. "Are you scared of me?"

Snake then froze, "Yeah you wish." He then slithered off to god knows where.

"Ok?" You then felt hands slip around your waist, pulling you into their chest.

You gasped slightly as you felt a kiss grace your neck. You then turned to face your captor.

"Hi Wolf~" You then leaned into his hold.

He then melted into you. "Mmmm, I'm sorry darling."

You then pulled away. Your head tilting at his words "For what."

He then looked down at you and sighed. "For our fight in prison...a-and in the police vehicle."

Your eyes widened. "N-no It's ok... it was my fault if I didn't lie to you this would have never happened.

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