Sick Day

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Hey, it been almost a year since I've written anything 😭😭 I've been so busy with college and stuff that a part of me hated that I couldn't update. Is it alright if this does and doesn't really continue after the last chapter because feel like garbage and it's the only thing I can really focus on? Please don't hate me 😅

Warnings: Could be spelling errors because I'm sick.


Recap :3 

You let out a sigh and reached to pat his cheek. You then place a small kiss to his lips, "We have a lot to talk about Wolf."

Wolf blushed a bright red wondering what you meant. You then pull him by the arm, taking him to your room shutting the door behind you.


Once you were all piled into your room, you let out a small sigh placing your hands in your pockets of your pants as you gazed at Wolf and Snake.

Wolf tilted his head softly as he looked at you perplexed. "What did you need to tell me about?"

"Snake you wanted to tell Wolf something?" 

Wolf turned to look at Snake waiting as you also glanced over at Snake seeing if he was willing to tell Wolf himself, but he shrunk into a small ball. You let out a small huff as you ran your hand over your fur.

"Alright since he doesn't want to tell you, I guess I will." You let out a small breath as you spoke.

"When I went to check on Snake a few minutes ago, he confessed something to me..."

Wolf looked generally confused as he wondered what Snake had told his girlfriend.

You let out a small sigh before speaking.

"He confessed that he liked me. Like wants to be in a relationship with me."

You glanced over at Wolf worried how he would take this information. 

Wolf's ears pulled back as he stared at Snake with a glint in his eyes you couldn't recognize. "You fell in love with my girlfriend?"

Snake hesitantly nodded and Wolf looked like he was going to lash out. You then stepped in between them placing a hand on both of their chest. "Wait!"

They both turned to gaze at you willing to hear you out.

You felt eyes on you which made you slightly anxious, but you pushed passed it.

"Okay how about I propose an idea. Since Wolf and I are already dating and now Snake has feelings for me we could explore new options..."

"Like what?" Wolf questioned.

"I was getting to that..." You told Wolf narrowing your eyes slightly. "How about we think about possibly having a poly relationship?" You glanced back and forth between both of them trying to see how they would take this news.

Wolf's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and before he could say no or anything rash, I spoke softly gently cupping his cheek.

"Just sleep on it okay. We don't need to figure that out now just yet." You smiled a bit as Wolf nodded leaning into your touch. You then turned to Snake.

"Is this okay with you too?"

Snake gave a small nod. You smiled happily at this as you nodded. "Okay well I guess that's all sorted out for right now."

You then let out a small yawn and Snake takes his que to leave your room. Wolf notices that you're getting tired, and he scoops you up into his arms. You giggled lightly as he carried your bridal style. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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