Feelings Lead to Something New

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Hey guys its been like...5 months since I've posted an actual chapter?! Goodness, I'm so sorry😭. I've been so busy and I just lost track of time. I'm out of high school yay:,) so I can update until I have to move in for college. So I hope you enjoy this chapter and once again I'm terribly sorry.

Warnings: Snake being a clingy thing, use of the word shit and it's not proof read very well💀


Recap yes because I forgot what happened😭

You move towards the door holding it open for him. He slithers out as you then shut the door softly. Walking to the kitchen, Wolf places a small kiss on your cheek. Which caused you to let out a small giggle.

Right then and there, Snake knew that you would never love him... and he would have to learn to accept that. No one would ever love a Snake.

It's been about a week and Snake has been pretty distant. Well more than he usually is. Every time we'd get back from somewhere he goes straight to his room and doesn't come out unless he wants a push pop. You were starting to get worried.

Your arms fold against your body as you look concerned at Snake's door. You then feel Wolf's arms wrap around your waist pulling you close to his chest. Resting his muzzle in between your ears.

"What's the matter Darling?" Wolf questions gazing down at you rubbing your arm softly.

You sigh and move your head to look Wolf in the eyes.

"I'm worried about Snake... he never leaves his room..." You then turn away and look back at the door.

"...Was it something I said?" Frankly you never wanted to hurt any of your friends. If that happened, you would want to clear it up as soon as possible. Wolf cups your chin gently and gently brings your face towards his as his eyes soften.

"No you didn't do anything wrong Y/N. Snake just needs some time to himself."

"How long.." Wolf didn't know how to answer. He just pulled you close as you continued to stare at Snake's door sadly.

You wanted to check on him but you weren't sure if that was the best idea. I mean what if Snake gets mad that you've confronted him again. Would he think you're being a bother? As you were lost in thought, Wolf placed his head on your shoulder and whispered softly. He then placed a small kiss on your cheek.

"Go check on him love. I know you want to." You turn your head and place a sweet kiss to Wolf's lips and give him a small smile.

"Thanks Wolf." Wolf's ears droop softly as he stares at you dazed from the kiss.

"S-Sure no problem."

You put your hand up and give a quick ruffle to his ears causing him to lean into your touch. You giggle a little at his reaction and start to make your way to Snake's room. While you walk away Diane walks up to Wolf with her arms crossed and a smudged look.


"You're whipped." She says with a chuckle.

Wolf blushes a deep red at Diane's words. He hates to admit it but she's right.

"Shut up.." Diane just laughs at his reaction and walks up and taps his cheek softly.


She's never going to let him live this down is she.

Back to you:3

You knock on the door softly as you call Snake.

"Snake, can I come in?" You hear no answer so you glance around and see Wolf talking with Diane.

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