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Kneeling at the edge of my bed, I crossed myself, and began.

"In the name of the father, son, and holy spirit.
Dear Lord, thank you so much for the opportunity to serve you today. I am infinitely blessed to have such a God-honoring household. I am honored to be able to serve you and I hope that today I will make you proud. I'm sorry that I've been having trouble staying focused. I know I should be using school to grow and to serve you. I promise to be better today. Thank you, lord for always being there for me to turn to..."

I raised my hand to end the prayer but stoped before I touched my forehead. Father says we aren't supposed to ask to the lord for help in the mornings, only to offer worship and apologize. However, I'm not sure I could get through today without doing something. And I mean, what's the worst that could happen? He says no? It's worth asking, right?

"...and um... Lord," I began again, letting my hands fall back to their folded position, "I know I'm not supposed to ask this of you and forgive me if you're displeased but... I'm not sure how to get through on my own. If you see it in your infinite mercy to help me, please keep these impure thoughts out of my head today. It just makes me feel so disgusting and... well, you of course know how the devil tempts your subjects, father. I really appreciate all you do and I know it's early so if you choose not to help me I completely understand.
Thank you again, and give mom my regards.

I blessed myself again and stood, making my way to the closet. I didn't really have time to spare this morning. Dad had said last night that he wanted to pray with us, which meant an extra hour before school that I had to be awake.

I picked out a very exciting outfit of the same thing everyone wore every day at my school: Khakis, a white button up, a cross on a chain, and a horrifically ugly tweed blazer with the words "Saint Dominic's Preparatory School for Exceptional Young Men" embroidered under a snake being crushed by a cross.

I don't know if exceptional was the right word for the 'young men' who attend my school. "Saint Dominic's Prepatory school for young men with exceptionally well off parents willing to buy their kid's way to salvation"probably would've been a more fitting title.

I looked in the mirror at the letters, barely legible through the horrid stitching. They had probably been done by some nun in the sixties. Mom would be appalled. She could of sew shut the Messiah's spear wound with the talent in the tip of her finger.

It was Monday morning, possible the worst time a person could manage to be alive. Especially someone who goes to Saint Dominic's. I really wasn't looking forward to the aftermath of the Latin quiz I was going to fail today. A Phelps doesn't fail. Well, at least not if they want dinner the following night.

Suddenly, there was a weak tapping on my bedroom door.

"Travith?" A small voice said, whistling on the s.

I smiled.

"Come on in, Ag."

(Important A/N:
So Travis's sister has a lisp, but I didn't wanna write in the TH instead of an S when she's talking because it's a lot of work to write and also I don't think anyone wants to have to decipher what the word is supposed to be for two minutes each, so just know she indeed has one. This will be important later lol.)

Almost immediately my little sister, Agnes, had flopped onto my bed.

"I don't want to go to schooooool." She whined, annoyingly awake for 5:30 in the morning. I let out a half laugh, half scoff at her.

"Well, do you want to stay at home with dad, then?" I said, smiling as I buttoned to top of my shirt.

She sat up, letting out a long sigh. She could sure be a little drama queen sometimes.

"Ugh, Noooo."

As she rose and her face came into view, my smile immediately faded. I sighed looking at her forehead.

"... what happened there?" I said, gesturing to the ugly blotch of purple and yellow reaching up into her hairline.

She raised a hand self consciously, a frown spreading to her face to match mine.

"I failed. I have to do esty another half a year. Dad's really mad."

Esty was Aggie's word for speech therapy. I think the abbreviation 'ST' was lost on her. It was father's plan that she wouldn't have to do it next semester. I guess that plan fell through.

I felt rage build in my stomach. Was he fucking serious? It was his fault she even had to do speech therapy in the first place. She was only eight for Christ's sake. She didn't deserve that fucking bruise.

"But it's ok!" She said immediately. She must of sensed the anger. She took after mom that way. For someone so young, she was great with emotions. "I get to see sister kristy longer!"

I smiled at her, trying to put my 'calm older brother' face back on. I needed to be strong for her.

"You're right. That sounds fun. Now make sure you cover that up before school." I said, gesturing to her face.

She nodded enthusiastically. I smiled. She loved to put on foundation. I wondered if she even knew that's not with the other kids meant by 'playing dress up'. It hurt to know that this was the only time she got to use makeup. Dad thought anything that wasn't hiding bruises was for whores or faggots.

"And what's plan if someone notices?"

I watched Aggie's little face crunch in thought. She finally came up with the perfect story.

"I... I ran into a pole at recess!"

"You used that one last week." I laughed.

She stoped for another second, puzzled.

"I um... I fell off the monkey bars at the park?" She said finally.

"Ooooo, that's a new one. Good job."

She beamed, proud with her little white lie. She loved playing make-believe after all.

As soon as she got confirmation she was leaping off the bed to get to the door, excited to use the makeup again.

"Aggie, One sec." I said, stoping her in her tracks. I kneeled down to her level, reaching a hand to her shoulder.

"Next time.. when Dad starts to get mad... you need to come get me ok? Before he tells you aren't allowed to leave. Or if he's angry with me, you need to do what I say."

I cringed at my words. I knew this was gonna come back to bite me but... I couldn't stand seeing her with another bruise.

She looked at the floor.

"But then... then he'll hurt you instead."

I gave a weak smile. I wished I didn't have to be having this conversation. She was gonna grow up to be so caring, I just... I just wish she didn't get stuck with this family. She deserves so much better than me.

"Hey, it's ok. Im tough. I can take it." I said, flexing my arms with a grin.

Aggie giggled.

"You're silly, travith."

"Not as silly as you, kiddo." I said, shuffling her hair around, "but seriously, Ag. Do you promise me?"

She frowned again, looking stressed.

"I... I promise."

Good, I thought. I was glad she was gonna be safe.

I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to exaggerate it as much as possible, putting a fake deadly serious face on.

"Do you... pinky swear?!" I said in my best Brain impression, holding out my little finger. It was a kinda garbage voice, but Agnes was so in love with pinky and the brain that I don't think it mattered. A grin spread to her face.

"I pinky swear!" She said, raising her voice is high as it could go. I assume that was her pinky impression.

"Ok" I said, standing with a smile. "Now go get ready. We still have to pray with dad before school."

Aggie gave a bittersweet smile.

"Ok, Travith."

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