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I stared blankly into my locker, Verleih uns Friden blasting threw the headphones connecting to my Walkman. I needed to drown out my thoughts, to silence the combination of pain after getting the shit beat out of me for diner and why I had burned it in the 1st place. How better to do that then the only music that father would let me listen to?

I didn't mind it, though. Translating the latin in my head gave me something to do. Plus, I needed the lords word right now. Anything to get my mind off what I was. A faggot covered in makeup to hide the bruises left by the only person who knew my true worth... or lack there of.

I couldn't believe myself. Thinking about pretty much the only friend I had that way. It was fucking disgusting. I was fucking disgusting.

I cranked up the volume in my headphones. I didn't want to think about this. I just had to get through the school day before I could go to reconciliation. Then this would all be over. Monsignor Krueger would know what to do.

'Da nobis pacem propitius Domine Deus in temporibus nostris' rang out in my ears, almost painfully. It translated to 'Mercifully grant us peace, oh lord, in our times of need'. I really hoped God was listening.

Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder, dangerously close to a forming bruise.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Without thinking I swung an elbow back at the presumed threat, which I quickly came to regret as bone smacked against ceramic.

I whipped around.

There Sal was doubled over by my locker. Some threat.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" I stammered, ripping off my headphones.

Heaving laughter replaced the music. Apparently, Sal had been doubled over cackling. Thank Christ.

"Oh, don't worry about it." He giggled, "it's my bad for scaring you."

I smile at him. God, his laugh was something else. I mean, you couldn't keep a straight face around it. It made you feel... warm.

My stomach and face dropped the second I realized what I had just thought. I shook it out of my head. I needed to stop thinking like that.

Right now.

"It's fine," I said, shoving down any emotion in my voice, "Well, the bell's about to ring so..."

"About to ring? It's 8:05. We have another 25 minutes." His laughter faded out, replaced with confusion.


"What I mean is I need to go. So... bye."

"Yeah, absolutely not."


"What do you mean 'what?'. We did not have such a good time yesterday just for you to turn into a different person the minute I speak to you again. Absolutely not, what's going on?"


"Cmon. We're talking."

"I need to get to class."

"It's literally my job to know your class schedule, Travis. You have a flex 1st hour. Let's go."

The next thing I knew sal had taken me by the wrist, ignoring my protests the entire way to his car. Not that i was putting up that much of a fight.

I wished it could of been like the last time we were there together but, instead, sal and I sat in uncomfortable silence in the schools parking lot. I could feel him staring daggers into me as I looked out the window.

Purity- a Salvis story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now