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This is going to suck.

That's all my brain could manage to repeat as I sat next to my father in the office of the home of the 'Nockfell Tribesmen'. A questionable name at best, but I didn't think there was a single other native student to voice their complaints, so I sure wasn't going to. Making myself stick out on the first day was not a good look for me in the slightest. I just needed to get through until dad could figure out how to get me back into Saint Dom's.

"Alright, Mr. Phelps," The secretary, an elderly woman who I was 90% sure went to our church, chimed as she pressed down the button the the old ass PA system, "Sal Fisher to the office, Sal Fisher."

She released the button a bit after she should of, breathing into the mic for a solid 20 seconds.

"We're going to have one of our student leaders help your son out in finding his classes today. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask away."

"No questions, ma'am. Travis is very thankful for the opportunity, though. Isn't that right, Travis?" Father said in a cheery voice that sounded like it belonged to a different person. I only ever heard him use it at church or to anyone concerned about his children's safety. He had pretty much perfected it.

What was worse was what he was actually saying. He was ever so subtly letting me know I had made a mistake. I should of thanked the secretary on my own. God, I could be so stupid. I really hoped he'd forget that by the time I got home.

"Oh, absolutely." I said, a plastic smile similar to my fathers on my face. "I really do appreciate it."

"Oh, it's no problem, dear."

Just then, I heard a voice behind us. Not terribly familiar, but I knew I had heard it before.

"Um- Hey, Nancy. I don't actually take my medication until- oh."

I turned around.

A pale gray and pink mask was staring back at me.

A familiar tightness found itself in my chest. Oh, fuck me, dude. My heart began to speed up. I felt sick but for some reason i really wanted to keep looking at him. What was my issue with this kid?

I watched as his eyes as they narrowed at me, as he realized where he had seen me before. Shit. He must fucking hate me.

"Hello." He said, lacking any discernible emotion. Ouch. Not that I didn't deserve it.

I trained my eyes to the floor. This was going to be so fucking awkward.

"Hey." I mustered, staring down at the ground. Talking to him more than that didn't seem ideal at the moment. I didn't want to embarrass myself more. Looking him in the eyes suddenly sounded like the actual worst thing I could do. God, something really must be wrong with me.

"Now, Travis, be polite."

Just then, I felt a hand on my back. Every alarm in my head started ringing at once.

For anyone else, it would of looked like a normal dad touching his son without a hint of malicious intent, but not with my father. He was digging his fingernails into a welt he had caused last night. It hurt like hell. I winced ever so slightly, trying hard to keep my composure.

Without warning, I felt his hand slide just above my left hip, threatening to make contact with the burn he had left. The alarms got impossibly louder.

I straightened up immediately, a little too quickly. I didn't want anyone to notice what he was doing. In my haste, I ended up staring straight into the masked kid's eyes. I wish I hadn't.

Through the holes in his mask, I watched his gaze. It moved from me, to my father, to me again. Then, I saw his eyes spark with recognition, and soon another emotion. The worst emotion anyone could possibly feel toward me:


Fuck, I thought, im so fucked.

He knew how weak I was.

Stellar 1st impression, Dumb ass, My brain shouted at me.

I trained my eyes to the floor again, hoping dad wouldn't notice. He would have found it impolite.

"Well, Sal, if you could take Travis to first period that would be wonderful. Mr. Phelps and I have more to discuss." She said, handing a schedule to 'Sal'.

Dads hand finally left the sore spot. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding back.

"Come on, man. Your locker's this way." He said, still not letting any emotion through his voice. He was however, shooting a almost unnoticeable glare toward my father.

This is going to suck.

Howdy folks, sorry for the breaks between chapters. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to pass sophomore year atm (wich couldn't possibly have anything to do with me writing these instead of studying lol) and it's finals weeks, so I can't promise a consistent upload schedule as of now. I will, however, be getting chapters out as much as possible until the end of school and after that I will write much faster, so if you can deal till the 29th, it'll be smooth sailing : ). Ty guys all so much for the support, reading the comments gives me so much joy. In the words of mcr, so long and goodnight😩.

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